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111 � <br /> The meetin� i�as continusd at 9 :50 A. R2. Sa�urday, September 28, 1940. �I <br /> Miss Grace Britton tivas recalled as a ti�itness against Officer Campbell, � <br /> and upon her refusal to anstiver questions, they tirrere certified to Hon. <br /> Dan Pyle, Judge of the St. Joseph C�rcuit Court. <br /> The hearind against Officer Campbell to be continued in the chambers <br /> of Jud�e Pyle, in the Court House at 10:15 A. 12. � <br /> � I <br /> The meeting of the Board of Public �titorks and Safety tivas transferred i <br /> to the Circuit Court of St . Joseph County, Indiana and by agreement of <br /> counsel, the records of the court reporte�, as 'to the questiona asked, <br /> ��rhich ansv�ers were refused by the vJitness, should be deemed a certified <br /> copy of these records. Counsel for r,iiss Britton gave consent to this <br /> statement, <br /> The Judge of the Circuit Court havin� heard the proceedings brought <br /> before him, at irhich time he ordered ��Zrs. Britton to ans���rer certain <br /> questions, �Jithdrevr fro� the room and the meeting of the Board of Public <br /> ;Jorl�s and Safety continued in the Circuit Court Jur� roorl of the Court � <br /> House of St. Joseph Count�. At the conclusion of r�Tiss Britton�s testi- <br /> mony, Officer Car.zpbell tendered his resignation. i <br /> The follo�ain� is a cop� of tne resignation handed in by Officer <br /> C ampb ell. <br /> �'I am tending my resignation to tne Board of Public Safety, � <br /> � effective to date, to accept other employment. " ' <br /> (Si�ned) Arthur I.7. Campbell. <br /> P,ir. Beaner read the resignation to the other members of the Board, <br /> asking the Board what action they wished to take, and it ���as moved, <br /> seconded and unanimously carried that the resignation of Arthur P�i. Ca�p- i <br /> bell be aecepted. <br /> The meeting ad3ournad until 9 ;00 A. RS. Tuesday, October 1, 1940 i <br /> in the City Ha11. . ' <br /> It ��ras moved that the clothing given Chief Ingram by �,Iiss Britton <br /> be returne3 to, Priiss Britton. This �ras done and r:Tiss Britton signed a ' <br /> receipt for same. <br /> The meetin� of the Board of Works and Safety ti�ras continued in the � <br /> office of the Chief of Police �n Tuesday, Qctober 1, 194U a� 9 :20 A.P�7. <br /> Testimony was given b9 �:qiss Britton, cros3 exaraination by fti4r. Harry <br /> Taylor. . <br /> Officer Zellers gave testirnony, crass exaniination by Trir. Satn <br /> Schulman. <br /> Officer Pq�ur.ray Thomas gave testimon�, eross examination b� T�. <br /> Harr;� Tayl�r. <br /> I�r2rs. h�'ilma Dick gave testimony, cross erarninatici� by i,Ir. Sam Schul- <br /> r-�an. <br /> The meeting V�as adjourned until 9 :00 A. rS. uVed.nesday, Qctober 2, � <br /> 1940. � <br />� I�Zeeting of the Board reconvened at 9 :30 A. Tvt. y�ednesday, �ctober 2, � <br /> 1940� at �rhich time Chief 1�'J. �. Ingram t�ras called to give testimony <br /> concerning the conduct of Of�icer Zellers and Thom�s. i <br /> Al1 the evidence having been concluded, the �oard retired to de- �i <br /> liberate and upon their return, read the follo�ring findings and deci- , <br />� sion. : <br /> rrCharges having been filed before the Board, char�ing Officers i <br /> Arthur Caripbell, Flogd Zellers and I,iurray �iomas tivith conduct unbecoming 'I <br /> officers and after evidence i�ras heard against Officer Campbell, he ' <br /> tendered his resignation to the 3oaru. and hearing �ras continued as to ; <br /> Officers Zellers and Tho�as, and the evidence having been concluded and � <br /> the Board having been duly advised concerning the conduct of Officers <br /> Zellers an� T'aomas, novr finds that both Officers Zellers and Thomas i <br /> i are marrie3 men with children, Thomas havin� become a father on Sept- � <br />, ember 13, 1940, that on Septeriber ll, 1940, E�fficer Zellers riade arrange- � <br />� ments vaith P�Zrs. 'd":ilma Dick, a riarried �ro�an, to take her to Chica�o �'i <br />: I <br />� -�— - - - - -- - --- -- --- --- - --- ---- - -- - ------- 1 <br />