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� - � <br /> �0 <br /> City of South Bend, Indiana. In case the successful bidder fails to e�cecute <br /> a contract tiJith the City, then such check or bidders bond shall be forfeit- <br /> �d to the City as liquidated daria;es. � <br /> The C1er� has been instructed to advertise for bids in tne South Bend <br /> Tribune on the 2nd and 9th days of JanuarST. Bids to be received by the <br /> Board at 10:00 A. P,2. on January 13�h, 1940, at which time the bids ti^rill <br /> be publicl�r: �pened,and .read. ' <br /> There being no further business to corae be ore the 3oard, the meeti ng <br /> ivas adjourned at 11 :50 A. 1,�. <br /> • Zairr�l of the Board of 3ai ety. <br /> AT �.� '• ; <br /> Ci�.�,� O / , <br /> " , <br /> ler�i. ! � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> i�iE�1^ITtG -- JATZUAHY 2,. 1940 <br /> '�A re�ular rneetin� of the Board of Safet;T ,°ras held o� Tuesda�r, J�~�- <br /> u2r� 2, 1940 at 2 :00 P. ?.i, All members ���rere present. T.rinutes of the <br /> previous meetin� �Jere read and approved. Claims of the follotiving supnl- ' <br /> iers, in the �nount of ��100.00 trere approved and ordered �aid. <br /> Daniel J. ��eogan ��100.OJ <br /> J <br /> POZICE DEP�RiIrIEidT: Erneat ;:�:iller, Cittr Traffic En�ineer, r.eported on �..he <br /> re�uest of Sollitt ?� Co. , to cut �he curb bacli zo th� sideti•rall� in front <br /> oF tneir pl�ce of business at �518-522 E. Sa�ple S�. T,�r. ',Iiller reco�mend- <br /> ed that this reauQSt be rejected. Th� Clerl� is ordered to se�d a cop�r <br /> of l�Ir. l,7illerts ��report to Lir. T7illia.-a Fett �f Sollitt P, Co. , <br /> J Chief In�ra.��. re�orted that �the Fecleral Bureau of Invssti�ation, <br /> aiter i.nvesti�ation, has accepted Sergeant D2nie1 J. Yeogan for the <br /> thirteenth trainin� school for police officers, ��nich tiJill be;;in Jan- <br /> uar�r 8th, and z�un for a period of three �on�ns. The Poard authorized <br /> Ser�ea.nt 'r��eoUan to attend this school and authorized the pay�nent of <br /> ��50.00 additional cor.�.pensatien for traveling e:�penses and �;50.00 addition- <br /> al compensa�ion eaclz month durin� the tinie he is attendin� �t�ia train- <br /> ing school. <br /> � On recor�u:�endation of Chief Ingrar:l, on motion czuly made, seconded and <br /> unanimously carried, Richard Gillen is pror:loted to the rank of Ser�eant, <br /> to be assigned to the desk, efT"ective Jaxluary 1, 1940. <br /> � Chief Ingram �^�as authorized to purchase si� ( 6) additional i,t�ro-�vay <br /> radzo transmitters from 3assett Radio Corp. , at the price of �l'78.'79� <br /> �er unit. <br /> ✓ <br /> Francis J. Bocl�, Chief Radio Operator, ��aho has been in ch�rge of <br /> the rac�ic station since it tivas ins�alled in 1933, and t�'zo has been em- •- <br /> ployed, up until January l, 1940, thru the Elec�ric De�artr,ient of the <br /> C.ity, has noti� been transferred to �the Police Depart�ent and vrill be t_- j <br /> paid out of t;he Police Department Budget. Upon motion duly �ade, second- <br /> ed and unanimously carried, ��Zr. Ilocl� is no��J made a member of the Police <br /> De�ar�tment and assi�ned as Chief Radio Operator �vith sergeant �s pay, <br /> ;�rnieh is the sarne pa� lZe has been rece=.�vin� in tne ca�acit�,� of Chief ' <br /> Rac�io Operator. This eppointment is made subjec� to ?t.r. Bocl�� s passinb ; <br /> a ph,�,rSiCal e�2r:iination b� the Police �; Pirer�ens � physician,and the Police <br /> Pension physici�n. ' <br /> � finy requirement that a�plicants procure the signature of five or <br /> r�iore citizens before appl�Ting for merabershi� in the Police Dez�artment, <br /> is herepy tvaived 'Q� the Board, in the case of T;;r. �ecic. <br /> �Special Police Cor.�nissions oz Evelyn i.icCauslin and "1;.arl� rilugh nave <br /> been cancelled, and their bad�es returned �o the Board of Safe�y. <br /> Chie�' Ingr� reported that �fficer Ada� Rozanslii tendered 'nis resi�n- <br /> a�ion fror:i the South Bend Police Depart:�en�, e�fec�ive J�nuary l, 19�i0, <br /> � <br />