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6� <br /> After conclusion of the evidence in behalf of cnar;es a��•ainst Hess <br /> and Fre;�er��utn, they �Jere each given an op�ortvnit�r to give evidence on <br /> t�eir o�m :�ehalf and both declined. . <br /> At cor�clusion of evidence, r.Tr. Heriphli�g, on benalf of defendants <br /> demurred tc� the evidence on gro.und that it 1ras not sufficient to sustain <br /> cha�ges ancl �rarrent dis�issal o�' the defendants, �r�zich demurr tivas over- <br /> ruled. � - <br /> � On moi,ion oy T�1r. '�°Jilliarns, -seconded by i�:ir. Drigga and unanimousl;� <br /> carried, c�iarges tirere sustained and Hess and rreyermuth ��Jere ordered ; <br /> ciis�nissed, ef�ective January 1, 1940. � <br /> � <br /> � -, f r,.T,'T, 'r I <br /> laIR�, DEPAR..iI.� 1T: Because of the c,.ama�,e to the service truc�� �2, the ; <br /> :.�ire Depar�,ment has deter:nined it :^rould cost at least �1100.00 for par�s <br /> - to repair .�ame, and it has been determined it �TOUlcl be i?npractical to i <br /> repair sam�� after consulting autornotive engineers and repairmen. <br /> i ;, Becau�e of the necessity of putting thi.s equipment bac�: into service ; <br /> � , as quicl�l� as �ossible, the Board has determined to advertise for bids ', <br /> • � for a netiv �hassis on v�hich to mount the equipment nova mounted on truck <br /> �2. % <br /> The B�ard unanimousl� adopted the follotiTing specifications for <br /> chassis �o i�e nurchased for the Fire Depart.aent, totiait : <br /> G�I�ERAL: I'ine contractor shall furnish �nd aeliver to the Central Fire <br /> Station, S�uth �3end, Indiana, vrithin fifteen ( 15) czays after date oi <br /> a;7ard, one truc�� chassis �Tithout cab or ti°rindshield that coniorms to the <br /> follo�virig specifications unless an ex�ension of �ime is �ranied b� �che <br /> Bo a�d: � <br /> Due t� variations in st�"idards of manufactures, these specifications <br /> shall be considered miniin�n. requirements . Each bidder shall submit ,1ith <br /> his proposal, the specifications of the equipmen� recor.�ended. <br /> CAPACITY: The chassis shall be capable of hauling a well balanced pay <br /> load of five ( 5) tons, hundred fifty ( 250) inches in length, unifor�- <br /> ly distributed. The frar,Ze shall be fish plated to provide tne strength <br /> reqvired, if necessary. <br /> TR�NS'=�ISSICN: The transmission shall be equipped �vith overdrive and ( 5) <br /> forvrard speeds. Due to �he �necessity of quick starting speed, tn.e g�ar <br /> ratio shall be approYimately seven ( '7� to one ( 1) . The bidder shall <br /> specif� the rear a�le ratio recorrrnended. � <br /> TIR�S: The chassis shall be equipped with dual tires in rear, and all <br /> tires shail be at least 8.25 x 20. If the bidder nroposes a smaller <br /> tire, he shall sub�it tivith his proposal a guarantee against failure of <br /> these tires for one �ear. <br /> r.?OTOR: The motor shall be six ( 6) cylinder and develop a maximum torque ' <br /> of at least tti�o hundred si�t;�-five (265) foot-pounds at norr�lal driving ' <br /> speed, and a maximur.m speed of at leas-t fift�-five ( 55) miles per hou.r �, <br /> - tiaritizout stress. Specifications of the motor proposed shall be sub�aitted <br /> ' by the �ai der. ; <br /> �; BRA��S: he chas sis sh�.11 be equipped ��vith internal drive, four ( 4) ' <br /> �rheel Ben ix BI� booster brakes, or eaual. ; <br /> ' ;REaR FETdD�RS: Optional ounta�ions shall be sub�.itted for the installa- � <br /> � tion of rear fenders. � ', <br /> T,:ISCELLAT�OUS: The chassis shall be equipped ��rith head li�hts, tail I' <br /> light, stcp light, •horn and other eouipment that is ordinarily installed <br /> on a trucl,: chassis of this type. <br /> - � <br /> The �oard of Public '�Vor��s and Safety of the City of South Bend, �I <br /> Indiana, .hall be the judge as to tiie stren;th, durability and capacit;� � <br /> � of the eqL.ipu�ent propo sed. ' <br /> Each proposal shall be accompanied b� or include the non-collusion I, <br /> affidavit as prescribed by the State Board of Accounts. � ' <br /> � Each �roposal shall be accompanied by either a certified or cashier�s <br /> checl�, or satisfactor� bidders bond, for the amount of not lesa than ten <br /> per cent ( 10;�) of the bid price dra��m pa�able to the Cit�,T Controlle-r, <br /> � <br /> J <br />