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.- - _ _53 � <br /> ��. - <br /> Officcr �iscovcrin� a fire shall �romptly turn in an �Ia.rr.i fr�om the n��.rest fire , <br /> �.l:�rm boy unlcss he can �ivo thc �larm nore quickly by phono. �ie sh�11 irnedia.tQ- � � <br /> ly s�cure th�r safety of all of the pcopl� in the buildin�. At ni�ht hc shall see <br /> �hat a.11 persons in burnin� or.thre�tened buildin�s a.rc ^1r�.kened. Officers shall , � <br /> post ther�.selves in the street at cach end of th,; block .-rhere the f ire �,s located " , <br /> :�nd shall divert vehicul�.r trwffic. The Officer in coxnz:�:nd at the fire shall ' <br /> - establisr. fire lines and sha11 l:ecp �11 un�uthorized persons bcyond danger and '. <br />' prevont them fram interfering tiaith the z�rork of the fire depurt;ient. He shall <br /> i preserve order �nd protect thc property saved. Any indicc.tion of-incendiary ori- : <br /> �; gin sh��ll be c�.rciully investi�,�.ted. • � ! <br /> ( • <br /> 42. <br /> I '� Officers shall rc;port wny chwn�� in uddress :rithin 24 hours a.ftcr sueh eh�n�;e i <br /> shall occur, �ivin� telephone nu.�ber, or the numUer of the nekrest telephone over � , <br /> �_ _ _ .rhich they may be re�.chod. In c�,se wn officer shull rc:nove his residence from - <br /> i �;rithin tY.e limits of the City of South Eend, his office sh�ll be doclared va.c�nt <br />' " unless urder particular circur�ist:nces and t-rith express consent of tho Board of � <br /> a ; Public Scfety. Officers out-of-toti�Tn on lcave shz11 rcnort �ddress of itinorary. <br /> 43. <br /> � Officors in chwr�;e of Police IIeadquarters, or �.ny n�.rt thereof, sha.11 not permit <br /> ' loafing ty persons not on business. Officcrs sh�ll not con� in Dosk.Serg-. <br /> �-� � ` eant's lcbby nor in any other Police Dol�rtncnt ofiice or spacc exce�t in �ho <br /> Squad Rocm. • <br /> 44. � <br /> ! Ranlcin; Cfficcr shall al:�rc�ys t.l�c ch�r�c at fires, riots, or scrious crimcs. If <br /> no Su�crior Officer be hresent, the Officer of the bekt :Till be in 'charge. Itl <br /> � his a.bsence, �.nd in the e.bscnce of �.ny Suporior Officcr, thc r�nl�ing P�.trol Offi- <br /> cer shzll bc in ch�r�c. , <br /> 45. - m� <br /> • Officcrs shall not unnecess�rily display�.�x���, nor dr:vr them in any �ublie <br /> placc e:.ccpt for ins�cction �nd ti-nc�n thcy �rc to bc uscd. Officcr firin� a, �un <br /> accident�lly or intontion�lly, e.ccept� on tar�et r.�nge or ;rhilc huntin�, shall <br /> report sa�ne. Officcrs sha.11 not discharge exeept;- <br /> (�.) Undcr ins�tructions wt tcxbct pr;ctisc. � <br /> (b) To las�rfully ltill <br /> (c� In `dofcnse of one�s life or the lifc of another. " <br /> -, (d� To �revcnt the cscupc of ^ person char�cd tirith or convictcd of a felorxy� <br /> or ti�fion a felony has becn, comm�ttcd, to prevent thc cscwpe of � person an <br /> o�'�icLr hn.s good reason or just ce.use to belicve coz�mi tcd that felony. <br /> -�,ree`Cing aa�ournect at 3:30 Y.P�,?�. - - <br /> �TTr^.1 : � � CH3IRP�"IiN <br /> ���� ' <br /> C � �K ' <br /> _.'_. � . \`J C� � J� � —'1.��,.� -�-t'^e'�- �..� �'LC..� <br /> � ���� <br /> � <br /> i .-�'i,C�E..CC�i ..�2C�.�1�-1L�, . . �I'L� �.nrrt0�.�7�G1�, �k, nf� <br /> � 4 , . 4 � <br /> ` ' .a,��� an�l r� �wL�.�� .�,���u.�.�, <br /> �. . <br /> . � � <br /> ', <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> �I <br /> � � i <br />