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, <br /> 62 �� <br /> , 35. _ _ 9• <br /> .Officers shall not fail to aPpear in court on any case in vrhich they are z�ritnesses. <br /> If duty dema.nds their absence from Court, they shall report the matter to the <br /> "_ Prosecuting Attorney or City At�orney, as tne case r.iay be, far enough in advance <br /> ° in :order that the case r.iay be set over. Officers on the yvitness stand, in respo�n6e <br /> �",'to questions aslced, will state in clear and distinct voices, truly, all tney know <br /> �respecting the matter inquired of, rrithout fear or reservation, and without any <br /> desire or design to influence the result, <br /> 36. I <br /> Officers shall not render assistance in civil cases, except to prevent an il:nnediate � i <br /> breach of the peace, or to quell a disturbance actually coinmenced. Officers shall <br /> ' not testify in civil cases unless legally sw�noned so to do. Officers shall not <br /> serve civil procossQS except as provided by law. <br /> 37. <br /> Officers shall not beco�le bail for a.ny person arr�stad. They shall not recormnend � <br /> attorneys, bondsmsn, b�il brolters or rzny l�.rticular firm or place of business to ' � <br /> anyone. They shall not obtain attorneys nor bondsmen for prisoners unless the <br /> prisoner requests tha.t .particular �ttorney or bondsman be notified. ,l�ttor- � ' <br /> neys desirin� to se� a prisonor for tivhom they clttim to be counsel shall be perxait- <br /> ted to do so provided the prisoner desires such counsel. <br /> �8. ' <br /> � � Officers shall not serve as novrspapor .corres7ondents <br /> ' aff icers <br /> �`�,a.y impart to represcntatives of thc press, u�on establishin� their identity, <br /> . ��currer.t ne�-rs providing thc ends of justice are not thcreby defea.ted. Officers <br /> shall no�tr give: out information nor rcfer any case to �ny outsido departmcnt or <br /> orgkniza.tion excel t through official chknncls, but thcy shall rcport irBncdirztcly <br /> � to thc Coroner any dcath r�sulting frora othcr than natural causes. Officers shall <br /> � � not comr.iunicate or give out uny in.£ormation rrhich ruzy aid a per�on to esc�pe or <br /> � ' , dcl^y a.rrest or to removo stolen or embczzled �oods. Officers sh�ll not rL:.Ye <br /> I knotivn any proposod move�.ent of the forcc :�rithout permission of Comr��.�.nding Officer. <br /> �� Officers sh�,Il not cormnunicate kny policc infornation resl�ecting orders he m�,y <br /> h�ve roccived, nor �ny regulwtion that mny be r.k:�de for tlic �ovcrnment of thc De-. <br /> , � purtr.iont,._except to such persons as dirccted by his Su�erior Officers. Officers <br /> I, � may oo�n.unic��.t� infor,-na.tion re�,arding �ny arresi mado by thcm or r��arding cny <br /> ' `:c�se _to tirhich thcy nay be kssi;nod only .•rith thc consent of his Corcm�ndi�g Officer. . <br /> ' ' : Officcrs shall not coimnunicatc «ny infor:nHtion in r.,gard to any arrest by uny <br /> � � . .other Officcr of the Dop�rtment nor in rc�c,rd to a, c-�.se investi,r�,�.ted or to be in- <br /> � I �' vestig�ted by any othcr Officcr of the Departr:ient- <br /> I� � �� , er.cept to <br /> ! sueh arresting 0�'fieer, or to the Officer assigned to the c«so or to a Super�or <br /> '� � Offic'cr. �. <br /> � � .. . . <br /> ,�•.,s,-...•, _`�:�,�' c, .+.�. .. <br /> i � � � 39. ; � � <br /> � Officprs sccurin� pronerty of any charactor �s evidencd',shall mark s�r:mc carefully <br /> � - in at lc:st one pl�.cc and shall dcscri'�e such nark �nd its location in his report. <br /> iOfficcrs .f inding property tivl�ich h�s bccn lost or �bandoned shall cause s;mc to be <br /> i brou�ht to thc station for dispositior_. Officcrs, before turning r�ny property in <br /> � at the. dosk sh�11 carcfully :map it :-;hen nccess.ry to prescrvti it in good order, <br /> and shall `lab:;l it ��rith a shi;�ping ta� cor.t:�ining the follorJing infor*�tion: Da.te, <br /> , riour, C�se T?w:�ber, Officor, togethcr ��rith w. descri�tion tirhethcr it be z-�rral�ped or �� <br /> 'i not ��nd �.n indication ti-rhether it Uo Found Pronerty, PersonHl �'roperty or Evidcnce. <br /> �' ; . I£,,,it_ bc one, of scver�1 L��.cl�a�es on the s�sn� c�se, this fwct shwll be notcd by ' <br /> � `�iving tho tot�.l numbcr of pncl:��es. Shi1pin� ta.; must be sect�red by �. stout ' <br /> strin� or :rire ::nd nevcr by thc us� of �. rubbcr b�rid. must be unlowded - � <br /> i ', bofore turnin�; in, �nd �.ny nr.nnunition cxtractcd fror,r sr�^ie sh�ll be prop��ly xn:.�.rked <br /> ; and idcntified.1i1ci _sccured,tn �c; ;�re�por�, <br /> I - - . . <br /> ; <br /> ' - - <br /> � 40, _ - - _ <br /> � Officers at the scene of any accident in .-rhich any person suffers physical in- <br /> �.jury, or occurring as, the result of �ny def.ect in the public place, or �ahere <br /> , it a�pears that the Cit;� of'South Bend riay be held responsiUle for. any injury or <br /> i � daan�.�e, shcll make a careful �and thorough investigation rzs to the cause of such <br /> acciden� and sh�ll obtain And report r�.11 f�.cts .to�ether rrith the naries and addres.: <br /> �� ses of a11 �litnesses. Officers observing in the streets or public nlacos anything <br /> ;. ; of, a, dan�erous, chara�cter, or, li,kely to occa�sion public incoiivenience or anythi,ng <br /> i` i•rhich se�rts to him� irreSular or o£fensive, shall unmediatrly report thc r,iatter � <br /> Jrith fu1L particulars and an a.ecount of his �ictions. � <br /> � . <br /> i _ ___ _.__. - - <br />