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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 10, 2011 <br /> Councilmember Rouse stated that the Council needs to set up a meeting with the <br /> Department of Community and Economic Development to see if the neighborhood plan <br /> is being executed and utilized and maybe the plan needs to be revised. He stated that it is <br /> not like nothing has been done; it might just need to be revisited. Councilmember Rouse <br /> stated that the Council has these conversations under new business; however, there is no <br /> one present from the administration other than maybe Mr. Gilot, Director of Public <br /> Works to hear the cares and concerns of the Council. He strongly recommended that <br /> President Dieter send a letter to the administration that they need to be present at the <br /> Council Meetings. Councilmember Rouse stated that they had a bill before them tonight <br /> asking for pay raises and he doesn't see them present at any of the Council meetings. He <br /> stated that they need to be present in the Council Chambers to hear the Council's <br /> concerns that are before them and that need to be addressed and get them resolved. <br /> Council President Dieter stated that he would get a letter sent. Council President Dieter <br /> urged the Council that as questions arises that they be addressed to the Committee <br /> Chair's and those Chairpersons's can then direct the question to the various department <br /> head to have the issues resolved. <br /> Councilmember David Varner stated that as one of the Council's two representative to <br /> the Redevelopment Commission the other being Marcia Jones, he would be glad to hand <br /> deliver the letter from the Council to the Redevelopment Commission. <br /> PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br /> COMMENTS FROM MR. JIM CIERNIAK CONCERNING BILL NO. 73-10 <br /> Jim Cierzniak, 1518 Pine Top Trace, Mishawka, Indiana, stated that he thought Bill No. <br /> 73-10 was to be heard tonight for Public Hearing and Third Reading. <br /> Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand advised that Bill No. 73-10 died in the <br /> Committee of the Whole. There was no motion to send favorably to the full Council. <br /> Therefore, the bill is dead. Ms. Cekanski-Farrand stated that she had a discussion with <br /> Mayor Luecke and a new bill would have to filed. <br /> COMMENTS FROM MS. SUSAN GREUTMAN REGARDING URBAN CHICKENS <br /> Susan Greutman, 1339 Pyle Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she is a member of <br /> the South Bend Chicken Urban Alliance and in the audience tonight are some other <br /> members and their children who have brought chicken cookies to share with the Council <br /> tonight. Ms. Greutman urged the Council to look them up on their Facebook Account. <br /> She stated that she would like to submit their contact information with the City Clerk for <br /> anyone who wishes to contact them. She stated that they mailed a booklet to each of the <br /> Councilmember's over a week ago; she hoped that the Council had an opportunity to look <br /> it over. She stated that she will also file a copy with the Clerk in case anyone misplaced <br /> it or would like another copy. She stated that the last time that they spoke before the <br /> Council there were some questions and concerns that were brought up by various <br /> members of the Council and they hoped they have clearly and concisely addressed those <br /> questions and concerns in this booklet. She also would like to file with the Clerk letters <br /> of support that they have received from various organizations in the community like <br /> Grace Community Church, Urban Garden Market, Monroe Park Community Association, <br /> the Community Gardens Co-Op and the Howard Park Neighborhood Association. She <br /> stated that she also will file with the clerk petitions with hundreds of signatures from <br /> people around the city who are in support of keeping Urban Chickens. She noted that <br /> these people are in support of Urban Chickens, they don't necessarily want to keep them <br /> themselves, but feel that the ordinance should be changed. She stated that they are <br /> currently writing a draft ordinance and hope to have it submitted by the Wednesday, <br /> January 19, 2011 deadline for first reading on January 24, 2011. She urged the Council <br /> to read the booklet and the draft ordinance and to do the research necessary to answer any <br /> and all questions that might come up because this is a very important issue. The citizens <br /> really want urban chickens and really feel that this is the future of South Bend. <br /> 19 <br />