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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 10, 2011 <br /> REQUEST TO PUT ON COUNCIL AGENDA FOR JANUARY 24, 2011 <br /> MCCORMICK TAX ABATEMENT (2 CONFIRMING RESOLUTIONS) TO BE PUT <br /> ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA FOR JANUARY 24, 2011 <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis made a motion to set two (2) confirming tax abatements for <br /> McCormick on January 24, 2011 and send to the Community and Economic <br /> Development Committee. Councilmember Puzzello seconded the motion which carried <br /> by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr. explained his nay vote regarding Bill No. 04-11 <br /> appropriating $60,000 for the removal of two underground storage tanks at Century <br /> Center and for Frederickson Park Remediation because there has been no progress at <br /> LaSalle Square. He stated that there are tanks that need to be removed from the former <br /> Bendix site and that money keeps being appropriate to other projects and nothing has <br /> been done at LaSalle Square. He noted that there was $2.5 million dollars that was to be <br /> dedicated to LaSalle Square project and this is why he voted nay. Councilmember Henry <br /> Davis, Jr. stated that he has received over 100 messages via his facebook and twitter <br /> accounts with comments regarding the inconsistency of snow removal between the <br /> various districts of the city. He noted that it was a record amount of snow fall in one <br /> given time period; however, there were many inconsistency of how snow was being <br /> plowed in the various districts. He stated that he drove from one of his district to the other <br /> and then drove over to the 5th District and then over to the 4th District and he saw many <br /> inconsistencies on how the street were being plowed from one district to another. He <br /> stated that just today when he drove over the Meade Street tracks it was like a skating <br /> rink. He stated that he understands that a truck got stuck on a set of tracks today, he <br /> wasn't sure of the location, but bet it was because of the amount of snow that was still <br /> there. He stated that he spoke with Gary Gilot, Director of Public Works just yesterday <br /> regarding the CSO Project at Kennedy Park and how the streets were shortened and <br /> narrowed by the project and some streets were made dead end streets and they put bump <br /> outs on some of the intersections and because of all of this these streets cannot be plowed <br /> the way they are supposed to be. He stated that these are some of the issues in the 2"d <br /> District and what he is saying is that it is very difficult to serve the constituents of the city <br /> when the Council puts themselves in such predicaments like this. He stated that when <br /> talking with Mr. Gilot he asked to ride around with one of the street department workers, <br /> because he doesn't really know what their job is. He stated that he is not a street <br /> department worker and is still waiting for that phone call to ride around with either a <br /> street department worker or a supervisor to see what is going on and see how difficult the <br /> job may be. He stated that he doesn't know what a firefighter does so it may be a chance <br /> for him to experience the hardships of what it takes to be plow a particular area or not. <br /> He stated that he is putting these things out there because they need to be taken care of <br /> He stated that LaSalle Square is in its eleventh year of nothing being done out there and <br /> now this snowplowing thing. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis advised that he would like to have a report from Mr. Gilot <br /> under Item #6 Reports of City Offices regarding snow removal at the next meeting of the <br /> Council, January 24, 2011. <br /> Councilmember White asked if the Council could get an update on the issue at LaSalle <br /> Square. <br /> Councilmember Rouse asked if there was a neighborhood plan for the LaSalle Square <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr. stated yes. <br /> 18 <br />