<br /> Davises, and I'll ad-lib, one (1) unique Councilmember Scott; and, Whereas, the answer to the
<br /> question of how many fellow Republicans served on the Common Council during Dr. Varner's
<br /> tenure is: "please don't ask"; and, Whereas, the answer to the question of how many Common
<br /> Council Committees Dr. Varner chaired during his tenure is: seven (7), including: Public Works
<br /> and Property Vacation; Zoning and Annexations; Information and Technology (first chairman);
<br /> Personnel and Finance; Utilities; and Council Rules Committee; and, Whereas, the answer to the
<br /> question of what is Dr. Varner's fiscal philosophy is: financial responsibility; and, Whereas, the
<br /> answer to the question of what other civic organizations Dr. Varner has been involved in is: too
<br /> many to list, but among them are the South Bend Redevelopment Commission, Century Center
<br /> Board of Managers,the Board of Finance and MACOG; and, Whereas,the answer to the question
<br /> of how Dr. Varner, a Republican, continued to be re-elected in the overwhelmingly Democratic
<br /> City of South Bend, is: partisan politics never took priority over what was in the best interests of
<br /> South Bend residents; and, Whereas, the answer to the question of how several Council members
<br /> referred to Dr. Varner over the years is: "my favorite Republican"; and, Whereas, the answer to
<br /> the question of how the Council can forgive Dr. Varner for his decision to retire is: Dr. Varner,
<br /> and his wife Patti, deserve to spend more time together; and, Whereas, the answer to the question
<br /> of whether the Council will miss Dr. Varner's quiet leadership, thoughtful analysis, respectful
<br /> attitude and friendship as a Council member is: "ABSOLUTELY".Now,Therefore,be it resolved,
<br /> by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: Section One (1). The
<br /> South Bend Common Council proudly commemorates and honors Dr. David Varner on his
<br /> retirement from the South Bend Common Council after more than twenty-two (22) years of
<br /> unselfish service. Section two (2). The Common Council wishes Dr. Varner and Patti much
<br /> happiness as they embark on future adventures. Section Three (3). This Resolution shall be in full
<br /> force and effect from and after its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor.
<br /> Thank you, Dave.
<br /> Dr. David Varner, 1306 Clayton Drive, South Bend, IN, stated, Thank you all for the recognition.
<br /> After hearing the resolution,I'd have to say that after twenty-two(2)and a half years you've finally
<br /> completely figured me out. I do think the important thing is that South Bend has demonstrated
<br /> how to deal with the issues we have to deal with. There will always be issues, problems, and a
<br /> reason to disagree. But I think collectively, those thirty (30) Council Members, including myself,
<br /> all found a way to do it respectably and collegially. I think that goes a long way to present a good
<br /> case for the City of South Bend. When business folks or people are in the town for the first time
<br /> see a Council that can find a way to resolve their problems, it speaks very well to the City. I hope
<br /> all of you are able to continue doing that. Jake, if you ever want to know what you need to do well,
<br /> Tim Scott's wife had some good advice for him and I'm sure he will relay it to you at a later date.
<br /> That advice will serve you well because it speaks interestingly to the subject. Thank you all for the
<br /> camaraderie, for the friendship and for the work we have done over the years. To the extent I can
<br /> help, and of course Jake already knows this, I'll be happy to jump in with both feet and help
<br /> wherever I can. Thank you.
<br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston stated,Dr.Varner,I've said it before,never put off what
<br /> you can do today. I've spent the last two (2) and a half years meaning to call you, meaning to get
<br /> your wisdom and advice because everyone said talk to that guy. I still look forward to your serving
<br /> with the Redevelopment Commission and we really appreciate it. Twenty-two (22) years means
<br /> you are a big part of what makes South Bend so great. That kind of service to us for that long
<br /> means we really owe a debt. I want to thank you and you will be missed. We still love you, Jake,
<br /> but you will be missed.
<br /> Councilmember Sharon L. McBride stated, Congratulations and I wish you well. I hoped I would
<br /> have had the opportunity to serve with you longer but I appreciate you embracing me coming on
<br /> as the rookie. I am not the rookie any longer. I thank you for your wisdom and guidance and I wish
<br /> you well.
<br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, I will be brief, Dave, and you will appreciate that. I really
<br /> appreciate that your door was never closed. You always gave a hello and a goodbye. You always
<br /> understand any issue that came before this Council front and back and always with the utmost
<br /> respect and kindness to the petitioners and your colleagues. Those are all very small but big things
<br /> that I deeply appreciate.You really have served your district and community well.I think foremost,
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