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4. BASIC RENT. <br /> A. For the entire Term, the Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord rental payable in advance in <br /> equal monthly installments on the first day of each calendar month which shall be in the amounts <br /> set forth in this Section and in this Lease as "Basic Rent." <br /> B. Basic Rent for the initial year of the Lease shall be approximately Twenty Thousand Eight <br /> Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars and Zero Cents ($20,825), payable in equal monthly installments <br /> of Seventeen Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars and Forty-One Cents ($1,735.41) payable in advance <br /> on the commencement date of the Lease and thereafter on the first day of each calendar month. <br /> During the initial year of the Term,Basic Rent equates to an annual rate of Seven Dollars and Zero <br /> Cents ($7.00)per rentable square foot year. <br /> C. Effective on the first day of the month following the initial year of the Term, and the first <br /> day of the month following every year thereafter, Basic Rent shall increase by three(3)percent of <br /> the preceding year's annual rent. The following table summarizes Basic Rent throughout the Term <br /> of the Lease. <br /> Lease Years Annual Rent Monthly Rent Per Rentable <br /> Square Foot <br /> 08/01/18 to 07/31/19 $ 20,825.00 $ 1,735.41 $ 7.00 <br /> 08/01/199 07/31/20 $ 21,449.75 $ 1,787.47 $ 7.21 <br /> 08/01/20 to 07/31/21 $ 22,093.24 $ 1,841.10 $ 7.43 <br /> 08/01/21 to 07/31/22 $ 22,756.04 $ 1,896.33 $ 7.65 <br /> 08/01/22 to 07/31/23 $ 23,438.72 $ 1,953.22 $ 7.88 <br /> D. The basic rent together with the additional rent as defined in paragraph 5 hereof are referred <br /> to hereinafter as "Rental". Tenant hereby agrees to pay the Rental monthly to Landlord at <br /> Landlord's building management office or at such other location as Landlord may designate from <br /> time to time,without demand. Any portion of the Rental or other charges not paid when due shall <br /> bear a delinquency service charge equal to five (5%) percent of such delinquency, provided <br />