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LEASE AGREEMENT <br /> The parties to this Lease Agreement ("Lease"), entered into on August 1, 2018 and <br /> effective May 1, 2018, between MedPro Properties LLC ("Landlord") and Human Rights <br /> Commission City of South Bend ("Tenant"), hereby agree as follows: <br /> 1. PREMISES AND PREPARATION. <br /> The Landlord hereby leases to the Tenant and the Tenant leases from the Landlord, subject <br /> to all of the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, office space as shown on the space plan <br /> attached hereto as "Exhibit A" containing approximately 2,975 square feet of rentable space <br /> (the "Premises") in the office building which is commonly known as 319 Niles Avenue, in St. <br /> Joseph County, Indiana, (the 'Building") and which is situated on the tract of land described <br /> in "Exhibit B" attached hereto. <br /> 2. TERM. <br /> The term of the Lease of the Premises shall be sixty months commencing August 1, 2018, <br /> and ending July 31,2023. However, after July 31,202-019,Tenant shall have the option <br /> to terminate this Lease for any reason upon giving Landlord six months advance written notice <br /> of intent to terminate. Landlord shall have the right within that six month period from notice <br /> of lease termination to show the premises to other potential tenants during business hours <br /> upon 24 hours' notice to Tenant, notwithstanding any other term in this Agreement. <br /> 3. USE. <br /> The Premises shall be occupied and used by the Tenant for general office use as an <br /> administrative facility for the South Bend Human Rights Commission use and for no other <br /> purposes. <br />