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Landlord has complied with the terms for Notice of Default, then the Landlord may enter into <br /> and upon the Premises, or any part thereof, and repossess the same, with or without terminating <br /> this Lease and without prejudice to any of its remedies for rent or breach of covenant and may, at <br /> its option,terminate this Lease by giving written notice of its election to do so or may, at its option, <br /> lease the Premises, or any part thereof, as the agent of the Tenant, or otherwise. The Tenant shall, <br /> without demand or further process of law,pay to the Landlord at the end of each month during the <br /> full term of this Lease the difference between the rent due the Landlord from the Tenant under this <br /> Lease, including any increases in rent due under this Lease, and the net receipts, if any, being <br /> received by the Landlord from the Premises (such net receipts to be calculated by deducting from <br /> the gross receipts the expense incurred by the Landlord in connection with the reletting of the <br /> Premises and performing the Tenant's obligations hereunder). In the event the rent for reletting <br /> the Premises is higher than the monthly rent under the term of this Lease, then such excess rent <br /> shall belong to the Landlord and the Tenant will have no claim or right thereto. <br /> 20. The Tenant shall pay upon demand all the Landlord's costs, charges, and expenses, <br /> including reasonable fees of attorneys, agents, and others retained by the Landlord, incurred in <br /> enforcing the Tenant's obligations hereunder or incurred by the Landlord in any litigation, <br /> negotiation, or transaction involving the Tenant in which the Landlord becomes involved or <br /> concerned without the Landlord's fault. <br /> 21. DEFAULT BY LANDLORD. <br /> If the Premises, or any part thereof, are at any time subject to a mortgage, a deed of <br /> trust,or a similar lien instrument,and this Lease or the rentals are assigned to such mortgagee, <br /> trustee, or beneficiary, and the Tenant is given written notice thereof,including the post office <br /> address of such assignee, then the Tenant may not terminate this Lease for any default on the <br />