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foreclosure sale under such mortgage or conveyance by deed in lieu of foreclosure,this Lease <br /> shall continue in full force and effect at the option of such mortgagee or purchaser under any <br /> such foreclosure sale or deed in lieu thereof. The Tenant covenants and agrees that it will, <br /> upon the written request of such mortgagee or such purchaser, attorn thereto and execute, <br /> acknowledge, and deliver any instrument that has for its purposes and effect subordination of <br /> this Lease to said mortgage. <br /> 9. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. <br /> A. The Tenant may not assign or transfer all or any part of its rights and interests under <br /> this Lease, and may not sublet or permit the use and occupancy of all or any part of the <br /> Premises, to or by a third party without the prior written consent of the Landlord. The <br /> Landlord's consent under this sub-paragraph shall be in its absolute discretion and subject to <br /> such conditions as the Landlord may impose. If the Landlord grants its consent, then all <br /> consideration paid or to be paid by such third party, including any amounts in excess of the <br /> rent due under this Lease, shall be paid directly to the Landlord, and the Tenant shall be <br /> responsible to the Landlord for any such consideration and the rent and other monies due <br /> under this Lease. <br /> B. The Landlord may transfer and assign, in whole or in part, all of its rights and <br /> obligations under this Lease and in the Building and related real estate. After such transfer or <br /> assignment,the Landlord named in this Lease will have no further liability to the Tenant under <br /> this Lease for the obligations assumed by the assignee or transferee provided, however, the <br /> Tenant shall remain liable for the payment of the rent due hereunder until released by the <br /> Landlord from such liability. Landlord shall notify Tenant as soon as reasonably possible of <br />