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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 27, 2007 <br />COMMENTS FROM MR. STEPHEN RANGE CONCERNING HIS APPOINTMENT <br />TO THE ANIMAL CONTROL COMMISSION <br />Mr. Stephen Range, 1206 Johnson, South Bend, Indiana, advised that one of the flyers <br />that he got from the City Clerk's office is volunteers needed, get involved, stay involved, <br />2007. He stated that he has tried to contact people on numerous times and try to get <br />involved and will stay involved. He stated that he believes one of his skills dealing with <br />animals would benefit the City of South Bend, especially with dogs. Mr. Range stated <br />that he has done tons of research on dogs, the ordinance and everything. He did submit <br />an application on June 20, 2007 to be a part of the Animal Control Commission and he <br />stated that he did not know if they still had it on file. He stated that he has gone over <br />some of the records and on August 24, 1987, the Council first passed the Ordinance <br />dealing with the American Pit Bull Terrier, there was a Dr. Carol Ecker, who stated that <br />she was a Veterinary and a dog breeder, and has a strong interest in the Human Society <br />and the Animal Control and preferred that the Pit Bull not be singled out, however, <br />irresponsible owners and breeders have caused the problem. She indicated that innocent <br />owners and good Pit Bulls are going to having to suffer the inconveniences due to this <br />ordinance. This is the ordinance about the American Pit Bull Terrier. He noted that he <br />has mentioned on several occasion that this bill need to be amended especially the part on <br />the American Pit Bull Terrier, because this ordinance was passed twenty (20) years ago <br />and he knows what Dr. Ecker stated is true, because he is innocent, he doesn't have a <br />criminal background, his dogs have never violated or been a public nuisance. Mr. Range <br />stated that he has suffered tremendously because of this ordinance. Basically what he has <br />been doing is going over the Ordinance, and he stated that you all have it stated here <br />working together to be a world class 21 gc Century, this ordinance is twenty (20) years old <br />and he believes that the entire chapter needs to be updated and revised. He stated that he <br />started doing it on his own. But a lot of research and studying, unfortunately he could not <br />make a packet for everybody, cause he doesn't have the funds to it so he created five (5) <br />to hand out some of the changes that he has made and would like for the Common <br />Council to start looking at it. Mr. Range stated that his ordinance is a very good <br />ordinance; it is a 21 gc century ordinance. It is where all people and animals will be treated <br />equally and fairly. It is not just about me wanting his dogs treated fairly, other people are <br />suffering because of this ordinance. He would like to the Council to look at this <br />Ordinance that he has prepared and think about it and look at the changes that he has <br />made. <br />Councilmember Varner asked if this Ordinance and the proposed changes are something <br />that he put together or is this Ordinance a draft from an organization that Mr. Range is <br />representing. <br />Mr. Range stated that this Ordinance is not just about the Pit Bull Terrier, it is about the <br />whole Ordinance. The Ordinance is so outdated and some of the terms that are in there <br />that apply to other Ordinances in the Municipal Code have changed their rules, like <br />zoning, and other things like that. He stated that this is just not about him; it is about <br />other people in the community, people that he has talked to, even people from Animal <br />Control. He has contacted people in the neighborhood and even people throughout the <br />Nation and solicited their opinions of their Ordinances and what is happening in their <br />area. This is not just his opinion what he has submitted, it is factual. <br />Councilmember Varner asked if this bill is considered a Model Ordinance. <br />Councilmember Pfeifer stated that the Council hears every now and then that a person <br />had been attacked by a Pit Bull and she guesses given a period of time that cruel and <br />inappropriate breeders and cruel and inappropriate and neglectful owners have created <br />this generation of Pit Bull. Part of the problem is what are they going to do about these <br />generations of Pit Bulls? They have been so mistreated and that has to be part of the bill. <br />She asked Mr. Range to think about the point she has raised. She stated that she did not <br />want him to answer tonight, but to think about it. She stated that she believes that a <br />monster can be created out of any human being or any animal if enough energy is put into <br />it. There is a point however, when the monster has been created and the monster has off- <br />spring, so part of what has to be done is to think about what is going to be done with <br />these generations of Pit Bull Terriers and other animals that are in existence and who <br />27 <br />