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REGULAR MEETING <br />AUGUST 27, 2007 <br />Councilmember Varner made a motion to refer Bill Nos. 38-07; 40-07 and 48-07 to the <br />Zoning and Annexation Committee and set them for Public Hearing and Third Reading <br />on September 10, 2007. Councilmember Dieter seconded the motion which carried by a <br />voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Councilmember Pfeifer advised that she is working on a bill to have all vacant properties <br />registered in the City of South Bend. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />COMMENTS FROM MR. GARY KING CONCERNING PARLIAMENTARY <br />PROCEDURE OF THE SOUTH BEND COMMON COUNCIL <br />Mr. Gary King, 730 N. Hill Street, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he had a question <br />about parliamentary procedure. Last meeting during the Committee of the Whole, Mrs. <br />Puzzello asked if members of the public would be permitted to speak so that input could <br />be heard far improving Bill 44-07, it was decided that the Council did not do that. It <br />seems to him that the Chair could have entertained a motion to suspend the rules for the <br />purpose of hearing members of the Public speak about the bill. Then everybody that was <br />here could have said something and the Council would have had the benefit of that input. <br />He stated that he was prepared to do that. He stated that he has about twelve (12) hours <br />in research and has developed a fifteen (15) minute presentation to deliver to the Council <br />whenever the Council is ready to hear it. He stated that his concern is that the bill could <br />be continued again, because the Council does not want this to interrupt the Notre Dame <br />Football Season. He stated that he plans on pointed out many errors when it is his time to <br />talk and hopes that the correct version that the Council is working on now doesn't have as <br />many errors in it. <br />Council President Rouse called for a point of order. He stated that Mr. King is now <br />discussing Bill 44-07 and that bill was listed on the agenda. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand stated that Mr. King has now strayed over <br />that line and is now discussing a matter that is on the agenda. <br />Mr. King stated that he only wanted to point out that when it is time far that kind of <br />presentation to be heard that it will be heard and tailor it for that bill. <br />Ms. Cekanski-Farrand stated that Mr. King called twice to the City Clerk's Office and <br />spoke with her. She stated that she would be discussing this matter with Council <br />President Rouse and that conversation was just this morning. Again, for the record, so <br />that the entire Council knows what the issue is, Mr. King asked for an explanation with <br />regard to a formal presentation. This Council and past Council's have been very <br />consistent with regard to either an attorney of record or a neighborhood group or <br />someone that represents a mass of people that they are making a formal remonstrance. <br />The reason far that has been that the formal remonstrance would not be subject to a time <br />limitation. Mr. King then stated that he would be representing certain Republican <br />candidates in the fall election as his remonstrance group. At that point, again, that was <br />new information to her and she stated that she appreciated the clarification and that she <br />would work with the Council President because in her opinion would have to go to the <br />Council Rules Committee for a final disposition before September 17, 2007. <br />Mr. King thanked the Council for this infarmation. He noted that it is not only the <br />Republican candidates; there are a number of other people involved. <br />Ms. Cekanski-Farrand stated that she is quoting what Mr. King said in the telephone <br />conversation. <br />26 <br />