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street parking required by this Ofdinanee sha4l be deemed to be f:edtteed by the- <br /> SECTION III. Chapter 21, Zoning, of the South Bend Municipal Code, Article 7 General <br /> Regulations, Section 21-07.04 Off-Street Parking Regulations, is hereby deleted and replaced <br /> with a new Section 21-07.04 as follows: <br /> Section 21-07.04 Off-Street Parking Regulations. <br /> Intent—These Off-Street Parking Regulations are intended to provide for the provision of off- <br /> street parking areas which are adequate to support the needs of proposed uses and future uses <br /> of a site while at the same time assuring that the design and construction of such off-street <br /> parking areas meet minimum design standards necessary to promote efficient circulation and <br /> prevent undue traffic congestion. These Regulations are also intended to support active <br /> transportation modes. <br /> (a) General Regulations. <br /> (1) Applicability. <br /> (A) Parking for Buildings, Structures or Uses. <br /> All new development, additions to buildings or structures, or <br /> conversions of use for which an improvement location permit is <br /> required by this Ordinance in any district except the MU District or <br /> CBD District shall provide required off-street parking areas in <br /> accordance with the regulations of this Section 21-07.04 and the <br /> development standards of the applicable district of this Ordinance. <br /> (B) Exceptions to Off-Street Parking Regulations for any MU District or <br /> CBD District. <br /> Off-street parking areas shall not be required for any use located in any <br /> MU District or CBD District. Any off-street parking areas which are <br /> provided, even if not required, shall be developed in compliance with <br /> the design and construction standards set forth in this Section 21-07.04. <br /> (2) Existing Parking Areas. <br /> Existing off-street parking areas shall not be reduced below the minimum <br /> requirement for such use as required by this Ordinance. Any off-street parking <br /> areas existing prior to the effective date of this Ordinance which were already <br /> below the standards established by this Ordinance shall not be further reduced. <br />