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Tuesday AV 3rd., 1923. Continued., <br />The owner of any lot, in said addition shall. have a right of action <br />to enforce the provisdons of these restrictions or prevent their violation and the <br />failure to enforce any or all of the restriCtions herein set forth shall in no <br />.vent be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. <br />No bu iding shal b built, closer than Sev4 f e� feet <br />to the street line on Washington ae`" Colfax Avenues, and not closer than'fifty (50') <br />feet to the street line on the oSZth side of.La Salle ,Avenue, and not closer,than <br />Twenty --five (2V) feet to the street line on the North Side of La Salle Avenue and <br />South side of McKinley Avenue. No 'buildings except a garage shall be built on <br />Washington Avenue which shall cost less than fifteen thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars; no <br />buildin escept a garage shall be built on Colfax Avenue which shall cost, less than <br />Eight Tgousand ($8,000.00)'Dllars; no building except a arage shall be built on <br />La Salle Avenue which -shall cost less than Six thousand Mtoo0,00) Dollars; and no <br />building except a gara ge shall be built on McKinley Avenue which shall cost less than <br />Five thousand ($5,000.00)-Dollars. <br />No ba.y$ bow, oriel, or other projections at windows and stairway <br />landings shall project beyond the front, building line more than five (5) feet. <br />No unenclosed or enclosed, uncovered or covered -porches and balonies, <br />porte cocheres and terraces shall project beyond the front building line more than <br />fifteen (15) feet. <br />No.building or parts thereof shall be built closer than six (6) feet <br />to the side lot lines with the exception that the eaves of any buildihg_may project <br />over said six (6) foot restrictions line not to exceed Eighteen (18) inches; provided <br />however, that if the grantee shall.purchase more than one adjoining lot, he.may con- <br />struct a dwelling house thereon in such place that it, shall not be closer than Six <br />(6) feet to eigh&r side of the property as purchased; but if said building shall be <br />located closer than Six (6) feet to the side line of any lot as,actually purchased <br />then he My not thereafter sell off any part, of the property so purchased but shall <br />sell the same as a whole so as to preserve the light,, air and convenience of the <br />adjoining property owners, and the purchase of more than one adjoining lot is•a part <br />of the casideration for this provision. No garage or other outhuilding shall -be <br />constructed with its entire -foundation forward more than ten (10) feet.from the <br />rear line of the vvner's- lot unless the same shall be constructed in connections with <br />end as a part of the house. <br />No lot in said addition shall be improved, used or occupied for <br />other than private residential purposes, and no flat or apartment, though intended <br />for residential purposes, may be erected thereon. <br />Not more than one building for residential purxposes shall be <br />erected on any lot, and each residence so erected shall be designed for occupant' <br />by a single family, and shall front on the street on which the lot fronts. No <br />business buildings or public garage shall be erected or occupied on any lot in said <br />addition. <br />No person other than a member of the Caucasian race may acquire <br />hold, lease or occupy any dwelling house on any lot in said addition. Provided, howeve. <br />that this shill nb exclude the housing of domestic held and chauffeurs on the owner's <br />Dwelling house while the same is being deeupied.. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Frank J. Anderson has hereunto set his <br />hand and seal and the said The Stormfeltz-Lo eley Company has caused its corporate <br />name to be hereunto subscribed by the hand of its president, Harry A.p. Stormfeltz <br />and its corporate seal to be affixed And attached by its Assistant Secretary on the <br />26th. day of June , 1923. <br />STATE OF MICHIGAN <br />COUNTY OF WAYNE SS: <br />HARRY A. STORMFELTZ <br />President. <br />ATTEST: JOHN M. DENI E <br />Assistant Secretary, <br />FRANK Jp ANDERSON <br />ELIZABETH F. ANDERSON. <br />Before me, the undersigned.a Notary Public in and dor said <br />County and Stake, personally appeared Harry A. Stormfeltz the President and acknowledge <br />that he signed the foregoing instrument as such officer and on behalf'of said Corporati <br />as the free and voluntary act of said Corporate, and also came John M. Denne Assistant <br />Secretary of said Stormfeltz--Loveley Company and acknowledged that he affixed the <br />Corporate Seal of said Corporation to the foregoing instrument end attached the same <br />with his signature as the voluntary act of said Corporation, forthe use and purpose <br />therein expressed. <br />IN WITNESS, whereof, I have hereunto set sty hand and affixed <br />my notarial Seal on this 26hh. day of June, 1023. <br />My Commis --,in expires Feb. % 192%. <br />l <br />CATHERINE B. RAYMO <br />Notary Public <br />