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392, <br />Resolution ordered for grade, curb and walk on Swygart Avenue <br />from Prairie Avenue to Ewing Avenue and it was agreed that all intersections <br />wind extensions be assessed to abutting property owners. <br />Resolved ordered for grade, curb and walk on Catalpa Avenue <br />from.Calvert Street to Bruce Street. <br />Resolution ordered for grade, -cur and walk on Bruce Street <br />from Kemble Avenue to Chapin Street. <br />Plat of Jefferson Park Addition to the City of South Bend, Ind <br />approved June 7th., 1923 by the City Planning Commission was approved this <br />3rd. day of July, 1923 with the following dedication. <br />JEFFERSON PARK. <br />The annexed plat is a plat of Jefferson Park, an addition <br />to the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, which covers th& follow- <br />ing described tract; <br />Cmmencing at a point one hundred sixty-six and three th"hs <br />(166.3) feat East, of the quarter section corner on Vhe North side of Section <br />Seven (7) Township Thirty seven (7) North Range Three (3) Last, in the center <br />of McKinley Avenue; thence East one thousand One hundred fifty seven and three <br />tenths (19157.3) feet to the center line of Greenlawn Avenue; thence south <br />following the center line of Greenlawn Avenue one Thousand fifty -three and fiv <br />five tnnths (1053.5) feet; thence Test four hundred fifty-seven and sixty <br />five hundreths (457.65) feet; ,to the Northwest corner of the tract of land <br />heretofore sold .to Clement Studebaker Jr., thence continuing South with the <br />west line of said Clement Studebaker Jr., tract One thousand one hundred thirty <br />one and twenty seven hundreths (1131.27) feet to the north line of Jefferson <br />Bouflevard; thence westerly along said north line of Jefferson Boulevard a <br />distance of Sixty --seven and ninety- three hundredths (67,93) feet; thence North <br />eight hundred thirty -three and sixty -five hundreths (833.65) the Soul► <br />South line of East Washington Avenue extended Fast; thence west, four hundred <br />forty-four and sixty -two hundredths (444.62) feet; thence South two hundred <br />ninety-one'and thirty-nine hundreths (291.39) feet; thence north eightypfour <br />degrees and twenty -six (84: 26' ) Minutes west, a distance of two hundred <br />twelve and seven hundred (212.07) feet; thence North three hundred eleven and <br />-seventy-three hundreths.(311.73) feet to center line of Washington Avenue <br />extended East; thence East twenty-two and four tenths (22.4) feet; thence north <br />one kwtdrat thousand two hundred ninety- two and seventy -five hundreths _ <br />11292.75) feet to the place -of beginning. <br />The plat contains one hundred and nine (109) lots numbered <br />from One (1) to One hundred and nine•(109), both inclusive. Lots numbered <br />from one (1) to niety -three (93), both inclusive, are owned by the Stormeeltz <br />Loveley Company, and lots numbered from Ninety-four (94) to One Hundred and <br />nine (109)9 both inclusive, are owned by Frank J. Anderson, both of whdm <br />join in the dedication of this plat. <br />The siz of the lots and the width of streets and alleys are <br />marked on the plat in feet and fractions thereof. The streets and alleys are <br />hereby dedicated to the public for the use of the .public as thoroughf�res. <br />J <br />BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. <br />Be it known that all persons; natural or artifical, who <br />shall hereafter acquire any interest in any lot in said addition, shall be taka <br />taken and held to agree with the grantors, and with the owners of any and all <br />of the other lots in said addition, 'to 'conform to al6serve the following <br />covenants, restrictions and. stipulations at least until January 1,19509 at whih <br />which time all or any of such restrictions may be revoked or repealed only by ` <br />the written consent duly recorded of the owners of a majority of the frontage a <br />on that part of any par jicular street affected that lies within the limits of <br />this plat. Each and al re b9trictions herein set forth shall run with the <br />land and bind the present owner, their successors, assigns, heirs, executors ark <br />and administrators, and all persons claiming Vy, through or under ahem, shall <br />ba taken to hold, agree and covenant, with the owner or owners of said lots, that <br />their successors, assigns, heirs, executors and administrators, and each of thm <br />then,,to comply with and observe said restrictions as to the use of said lots <br />and the construction of the improvements thereon, but no restriction herein <br />set forth shall be personally -binding on any person excepting in respect to <br />breaches committed during the ownership 6 such lot or lots. <br />