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REGULAR MEETING <br />MARCH 12, 2007 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 3716-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, PUBLICLY URGING <br />PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR SOUTH BEND <br />POLICE SERGEANT RAY <br />WOLFENBARGER WHO HAS BEEN <br />NOMINATED AS A CANDIDATE IN <br />AMERICA'S MOST WANTED ALL- <br />STAR CONTEST <br />Whereas, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, recognizes <br />that America's Most Wanted, together with Sprint Nextel, is sponsoring `America's Most <br />Wanted All-Star -Network of Heroes Lives Among Us" contest; and <br />Whereas, the 2007 AMW All-Star Contest will honor a fast responder working <br />in law enforcement, fire, rescue personnel or an EMT who is employed by or volunteers <br />with a federal, state or local first responder agency who goes above and beyond the call <br />of duty to keep their communities safe on a 24/7 basis; and <br />Whereas, the Council recognizes that Sergeant Ray Wolfenbarger was officially <br />sworn in as a South Bend police officer on September 17, 1997; was critically wounded <br />in the line of duty in 2001 and made a remarkable medical recovery which permitted him <br />to return to active police duty; with his diligent and faithful police services resulting in a <br />promotion by the Board of Public Safety on July 21, 2004 to the rank of Detective <br />Sergeant; where Sgt. Wolfenbarger has worked ever since in the Forensic Lab of the <br />South Bend Police Department; and has earned and received numerous commendations <br />for his dedicated police services; and <br />Whereas, Sergeant Ray Wolfenbarger has been nominated as a candidate in the <br />2007 America's Most Wanted All-Star Responder Contest and the South Bend Common <br />Council urges everyone to cast their vote for one of South Bend's finest, Sergeant <br />Wolfenbarger, by text messaging your vote from a Sprint or Nextel phone to 4AMW or <br />by voting online by visiting which may be also accessed by <br />going to the City of South Bend's ollicial city website at <br />Now, Therefore, be it resolved, by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />Section L On behalf of all of the citizens of the City of South Bend, Indiana, the <br />Common Council urges everyone to vote for our own hometown hero, SERGEANT <br />RAY WOLFENBARGER, so that he will become the 2007 America's Most Wanted All- <br />Star. <br />Section II The Common Council urges everyone, their friends and family who <br />are legal residents of the 48-contiguous states who are at least eighteen years of age, to <br />vote by text messaging or on-line with voting; with each person being able to vote once <br />per day. <br />Section III. The South Bend Common Council wishes SERGEANT RAY <br />WOLFENBARGER, the very best in the weeks ahead in America's Most Wanted All- <br />Star contest, and thanks him for his dedicated service to our community as a member of <br />the South Bend Police Department. <br />Section IV. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />s/Derek D. Dieter, lgt District s/Ervin Kuspa, 6d` District <br />s/Charlotte D. Pfeifer, 2nd District s/Al "Buddy" Kirsits, At Large <br />s/Roland Kelly, 3~d District s/Timothy A. Rouse, At Large <br />