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REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1980 <br />of the payment of an additional amount of $400 which was necessitated <br />because of an expansion in the original scope of the work. Upon a <br />motion made by Mr. Kernan, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, an <br />additional amount of $400 was approved for payment. <br />APPROVE LEASE OF NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY (NEWMAN CENTER) <br />Mr. Kernan noted that the city's lease with the State of Indiana <br />for the National Guard Armory had expired on December 31, 1979, <br />and the city was desirous of continuing the lease until such <br />time as it would be known if acquisition of the property could <br />be made through the proposed Park Bond Issue. Upon a motion made <br />by Mr. Kernan, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the Lease Agree- <br />ment was approved retroactive to January 1, 1980, through December <br />31, 1983, in the sum of One Dollar ($1.00). <br />APPROVE ADVERTISING TO RECEIVE BIDS <br />Assistant Chief Spandward Mitchem requested permission of the Board <br />to advertise to receive bids for janitorial services for the Police <br />Department for the year 1981. Upon a motion made by Mr. Kernan, <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the request was approved with <br />bids to be received on December 29, 1980. <br />Chief Deputy Controller Michael L. Vance requested permission of <br />the Board to advertise to receive bids for uniform rental for <br />Teamster employees for a two -year period. Upon a motion made by <br />Mr. Kernan, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the request was <br />approved with bids to be received on December 29, 1980. <br />FILING OF ASSESSMENT ROLL - VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3502, 1980 <br />(EAST -WEST ALLEY NORTH OF SOUTH BEND AVENUE) <br />John E. Leszczynski, City Engineer, filed an Assessment Roll with <br />respect to Vacation Resolution No. 3502, 1980, for the vacation <br />of the first 10 foot east -west alley north of South Bend Avenue <br />running from the east right -of -way of Georgiana Street to the <br />west right -of -way line of the first north -south alley for a <br />distance of 118 feet in Hartman and Miller Addition. The follow- <br />ing property may be injuriously or beneficially affected by such <br />vacation: <br />Lots No. 51, 52, 53 & 54, Hartman and Miller Addition <br />The Assessment Roll lists $0.00 net damages and $0,00 net benefits <br />to the abutting properties. Upon a motion made by Mr. Kernan, <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the Assessment Roll was filed <br />and set for public hearing on January 5, 1981. <br />APPROVE PURCHASE AGREEMENTS FOR SALE OF CITY -OWNED <br />PROPERTY (123 ST. PAUL PLACE) <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Kernan, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, <br />the Board approved the Purchase Agreement for the sale of city - <br />owned property at 123 St. Paul Place to James Knight and Delores <br />Knight, husband and wife, in the amount of $214.00. It was <br />noted that the necessary approvals of the various city agencies <br />and Common Council had been obtained and an offering price of <br />$214.00 established. <br />APPROVE TEMPORARY CLOSING OF LOGAN STREET ENTRANCE TO BERCLIFF ESTATES <br />In response to a petition submitted to the Board on October 6, 1980, <br />Mr. Leszczynski, City Engineer, recommended the temporary closing <br />of the Logan Street entrance to Bercliff Estates on a temporary <br />basis for a six -month trial period, at which time further review <br />would be given the matter. Mr. Kernan stated that the request to <br />