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REGULAR MEETING <br />NOVEMBER 10, 1980 <br />that Mr. Edward J. Hughes of that firm has been heavily involved <br />with electric and utility rate increases and his knowledge would <br />be invaluable to the city in opposing the increase.. He stated <br />that the work would be done on an hourly basis and limited funds <br />were available in the street lighting budget for that purpose. <br />Mr. Hill stated that the city must counter the 16% increase with <br />professional expertise since opponents of the increase would <br />likewise have professional expertise in presenting its case. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, <br />the proposal was approved. Councilman Joseph Serge asked what could <br />be done to get better service from I & M on street light service. <br />Mr. McMahon stated that the contract the city had at present with <br />I & M provided for no performance clause and the contract would <br />be re- written with that in mind. He stated that this would be <br />one of the points the city would use in filing an objection to the <br />increase. <br />APPROVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CONTRACT <br />(SUBSTANDARD BUILDING DEPARTMENT) <br />Ms. Marzy Bauer, Director of the Department of Community Development, <br />advised that the department subcontracts the work which it funds <br />for various projects, and this particular project dealt with an <br />inspector for the Neighborhood Housing Services program under the <br />Substandard Building Department. She stated that, in the past, the <br />contracts had been signed by the Mayor, Controller and Attorney <br />and she had been advised that, since the Board of Public Works was <br />the contracting agency for the city, the contracts should also be <br />submitted to the Board for approval. She advised that periodically <br />she would be submitting all future contracts to the Board for <br />approval. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill <br />and carried, the contract was approved. <br />REJECT REQUEST TO LEASE OR PURCHASE FIRE STATION NO. 8 <br />A request had previously been received from the Naptown Riders <br />inquiring into the possible lease or purchase by the organization <br />of Fire Station No. 8 located at Olive and Washington Streets. The <br />matter was subsequently referred to the Controller and Fire Depart- <br />ment for recommendation. In a memo to the Board, Assistant Chief <br />Richard Switalski, advised that the Fire Department was using the <br />facility for storage purposes since the storage requirements at <br />the Municipal Services Facility were somewhat limited. Assistant <br />Chief Switalski recommended that the city not lease or offer for <br />sale the station at this time. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the request of the Naptown Riders <br />was rejected. <br />REQUEST OF SALVATION ARMY FOR ERECTION OF "TREE OF LIGHTS" <br />A letter from the Salvation Army for permission to erect a "Tree <br />of Lights" on River Bend Plaza during the Christmas Shopping Season <br />was received. It was noted that the Salvation Army would be respon- <br />sible for the construction of the tree and its dismantling after the <br />holiday. Mr. McMahon stated that he felt the tree should be located <br />on private property rather than in the Plaza area. Mr. Hill agreed, <br />stating that he knew of several other organizations which would like <br />to do something similar on the Plaza, and he felt all the requests <br />could not be accommodated. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the request of the Salvation <br />Army was rejected. <br />APPROVE INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHTS ON YORK ROAD <br />Mr. Ralph J. Wadzinski, Manager of the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting, <br />submitted his recommendation to the Board for the installation of six <br />street lights in the vicinity of 5734 York Road (the area which was <br />opened a few years ago and connects Crest Manor to the Kensington <br />