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REGULAR MEETING <br />First 10' east -west alley north of South Bend <br />Avenue running from the east right -of -way of <br />Georgiana Street to the west right -of -way <br />line of the first north -south alley for a <br />distance of 118' in Hartman and Miller Add. <br />NOVEMBER 10. 1980 <br />Reserving the rights and easements of all Utilities and the <br />Municipal City of South Bend, Indiana, to construct and <br />maintain any facilities, including, but not limited to, <br />the following: electric, telephone, gas, water, sewer, <br />surface water control structures and ditches, within the <br />vacated right of way, unless such rights are released by <br />the individual Utilities. <br />The following property may be injuriously or beneficially <br />affected by such vacation: <br />Lots No. 51, 52, 53 & 54, Hartman and <br />Miller Addition. <br />Notice of this Resolution shall be published on the 14th & 21st <br />day of November, 1980, in the South Bend Tribune and in the <br />Tri- County News. <br />This Board, at its office, on the lst day of December, 1980, at <br />9:30 o'clock, A.M., will hear and receive remonstrances from <br />all persons interested in or affected by these proceedings. <br />Adopted this 10th day of November, 1980. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />s/ Patrick M. McMahon <br />s/ Richard L. Hill <br />s/ Joseph E. Kernan <br />ATTEST: <br />s/ Barbara J. Byers, Clerk <br />The reports of the Area Plan Commission, Community Development <br />Department and Department of Engineering indicated that there was <br />no objection to the proposed vacation. Upon a motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the reports were filed <br />and Vacation Resolution No. 3502, 1980, was adopted and a public <br />hearing set for December 1, 1980. <br />REQUEST TO POST CRIME ALERT SIGNS IN FIRST DISTRICT <br />Councilman Joseph Serge addressed the Board and requested the instal- <br />lation of certain signs in the First District which would read, "Alert - <br />Crime Area ", or "You are now entering crime watch area ". He stated <br />that the residents have been concerned with the crime problem in the <br />area and have expressed the desire to post the signs in the hopes of <br />deterring criminals. He stated that signs of this kind have been <br />used in Pontiac, Michigan. Mr. Hill stated that the Board was <br />supportive of the plans the neighborhood had in this regard. Mr. <br />McMahon stated that he felt signs of that type would not be any <br />real problem, however, he wanted to write to Pontiac to determine <br />how it handled the situation and whether or not South Bend could <br />work along those same lines. <br />APPROVE PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTING SERVICES (LAWSON- FISHER ASSOCIATES) <br />Mr. McMahon stated that the city was desirous of retaining the firm <br />of Lawson - Fisher Associates to provide professional advice in <br />pursuing the I & M rate increase and objecting thereto. He stated <br />