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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 21, 1980 <br />APPROVAL OF HOUSE MOVE - 404 NORTH LAFAYETTE TO 619 WEST LaSALLE <br />Mr. McMahon stated that this was the public hearing on the proposed <br />house move from 404 North Lafayette to 619 West LaSalle by Lykowski <br />Construction Company. He explained that Mr. Oscar T. Brookins was <br />the owner of the structure. Mr. McMahon noted that adjacent property <br />owners were notified of the proposed house move, and Mr. Ralph J. <br />Wadzinski, Manager of the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting, had <br />recommended approval of the move subject to the following <br />1. Route: Lafayette from Marion, south on Lafayette <br />to LaSalle, west on LaSalle to destination. <br />2. Submission of a letter of confirmation from a pre - <br />qualified signal contractor that it will accompany <br />the mover on the move to handle the temporary re- <br />location of any traffic signals encountered. <br />3. Approval of an Indiana State Highway Permit with <br />a copy furnished to Traffic and Lighting prior <br />to move. <br />4. Posting of all streets with "no parking" signs. <br />Mr. Jeffrey V. Gibney, Executive Director of Southold Heritage <br />Foundation, explained that Southold, a non- profit preservation <br />organization, has been since 1974 involved in several moves of <br />endangered houses from one site to another in the downtown South <br />Bend residential area. He stated that this particular house was <br />owned by the Masonic Lodge and had been scheduled for demolition <br />prior to Southold's involvement. He stated that a public bidding <br />procedure had been utilized and that Southold had committed the <br />amount of $30,000 to the relocation of the house. There was no <br />one present to speak against the house move. Upon a motion made <br />by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the house move <br />was approved subject to the requirements set forth above. <br />CORRESPONDENCE RE: INDIANA BELL CONSTRUCTION CREW <br />(1221 WEST SAMPLE STREET) <br />Mr. McMahon submitted to the Board a letter received from Mr. Ted <br />Michalak, 1221 West Sample Street, concerning the destruction of <br />the area in front of his home by a construction crew on June 19, <br />1980. Mr. McMahon explained that this work, which was to be done <br />by Indiana Bell Telephone, was in conjunction with the Sample Street <br />Improvements; however, he noted that the contract for performance <br />of the work had not been awarded at that time. He asked that the <br />matter be referred to Mr. Jack Ellis, General Manager of Indiana <br />Bell, for response, and he stated that the Engineering Department <br />would conduct a follow -up on the complaint. <br />ADOPTION OF IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 3493, 1980 <br />(1980 STORM DAMAGE - CURB AND WALK REPAIR) <br />Mr. McMahon explained that the city had decided to offer to the <br />affected residents of prior storm damage a Barrett Law assessment <br />for repair of damaged curbs and walks. Under the proposed program, <br />the property owner would be responsible to pay for the entire <br />amount of the repair over a five -year period at a five percent <br />interest rate. Mr. McMahon stated that the city would receive <br />bids on the total project and would contract with.the lowest and <br />best bidder for the necessary repairs. He stated that the stump <br />removal, curb and walk repairs would be at various locations <br />throughout the city, and a preliminary assessment roll listing 40 <br />property owners at 44 locations was filed. The plans and specifica- <br />tions for the work to be performed were prepared by the Engineering <br />Department, according to Mr. McMahon. He stated that the Board <br />would set a public hearing on the matter for August 4, 1980. He <br />stated that any property owner who wished to participate in the <br />program and had experienced storm damage could contract the Board <br />7 <br />L <br />1 <br />