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...._.0 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />JUNE 10. 1980 <br />Services Division Chief, Spandward Mitchem, informed the Board by <br />letter that the present contract with Comet Car Wash for police <br />vehicle car washes expires on June 30, 1980. He requested permission <br />to advertise for bids for the period commencing in July through <br />June, 1981. Upon a motion made by Mr. Kernan, seconded by Mr. Hill <br />and carried, the request was approved. <br />Mr. Louis Gro -nds, Vehicle Maintenance, requested permission to <br />advertise for bids for tire repairs for city vehicles. It was <br />noted that the present contract with Firestone Tire and Rubber <br />expires on June 30, 1980. Upon a motion made by Mr. Kernan, <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the request was approved. <br />FILING OF REPORTS AND ADOPTION OF VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3490, <br />1980 (PRAIRIE AVENUE AT GRANT STREET) <br />VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3490, 1980 <br />RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, That it is desirable to vacate the following: <br />East /West 12' alley North of Lots 50, 51 and <br />52 in Highland Park First Add. North of <br />Prairie Avenue at Grant Street; <br />East /West 12' alley North of Lots 149, 150 <br />and 151 in Whiteman's First Addition North <br />of Prairie Avenue at Grant Street. <br />Reserving the rights and easements of all Utilities and the <br />Municipal City of South Bend, Indiana, to construct and maintain <br />any facilities, including,- but not limited to, the following: <br />electric, telephone, gas, water, sewer, surface water control <br />structures and ditches, within the vacated right of way, unless <br />such rights are released by the individual Utilities. <br />The following property may be injuriously or beneficially affected <br />by such vacation: <br />Lots 49, 50, 51 and 52, Highland Park First Addition; <br />Lots 148, 149, 150, 151, Whiteman's First Addition. <br />Notice of this Resolution shall be published on the 13th & 20th <br />day of June, 1980, in the South Bend Tribune and in the Tri- County <br />News. <br />This Board, at its office, on the 7th day of July, 1980, at 9:30 <br />o'clock, A. PSI., will hear and receive remonstrances from all <br />persons interested in or affected by these proceedings. <br />Adopted this 9th day of June, 1980. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. <br />s/ Joseph E. Kernan <br />s/ Richard L. Hill <br />ATTEST: <br />s/ Barbara J. Byers, Clerk <br />