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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — December 17, 2010 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />B. Airport Economic Development Area <br />(2) continued... <br />owners in the park. The information <br />necessary for preparation of the document <br />titled "Consent to Modification of Deed <br />Restrictions" that the Commission would <br />sign is still being collected and reviewed. As <br />a result, the document could not be <br />completed in time for this meeting. But, <br />since time is of the essence, the Commission <br />is requested to authorized its president or <br />director to sign the document when the <br />review is complete and the 75% approval <br />level is reached. <br />Mr. Varner asked what is known about the <br />Career Academy, particularly whether it will <br />be looking to South Bend for funding for the <br />school. Mr. Charles Loeser, attorney for the <br />Career Academy, responded that the Career <br />Academy is a new non -profit organization. <br />The principal organizers are Steve Hartz <br />(Value Tool) and Larry Garatoni. The school <br />will be operating on a shoestring in its early <br />years because the state funds do not begin for <br />several years. There has been discussion <br />about city aid with the refurbishment costs <br />for the building. <br />Mr. Varner said he thinks that means there <br />will be a request for city funding. Mr. Loeser <br />said he couldn't rule that out, but did not <br />believe the project was contingent on that. <br />Mr. Downes noted that the request to the <br />Commission here is not for funding, but for <br />consent to modify deed restrictions. <br />11 <br />