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t U 0 <br />REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 15, 1979 <br />.81 Photos, post cards, tennis shoes Discovery Hall <br />snuff box Associates <br />.82 Photographs S. B. Lathe <br />.83 Drewry's Coasters, beer Art Kubiak <br />bottle <br />.84 Stahly Razor Gary and Patricia Cox <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and <br />carried, the report was filed. <br />BIDS REJECTED - .JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICES FACILITY <br />ADVERTISING APPROVED FOR POLICE DEPART11ENT AND JAIL SECTION ONLY <br />John Stancati, Director of Utilities, reported to the Board that <br />bids received for Janitorial Services for the Municipal Services <br />Facility had been reviewed and it was his recommendation that all <br />bids be rejected because of lack of sufficient funding. Mr. Stancati <br />noted that specifications would be revised to include only the <br />Police Department and Jail Section and he requested that the Board <br />authorize advertising for bids under the revised specifications. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, <br />the Board approved the recommendation.and authorized advertising <br />for bids, with sealed bids to be r'&ceived on January 29, 1979. <br />BID ADVERTISING APPROVED - STREET`DEPARTMENT VEHICLES <br />John Stancati, Director of Utilities, submitted to the Board a <br />request to advertise for two vehicles for the Street Department - <br />one 4 x 4 four -wheel drive station wagon and one 10,000 G.V.W. <br />Single Axle Cab and Chassis. Both vehicles to be bid with trade -ins. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, <br />the Board approved the request and authorized advertising for bids, <br />with sealed bids to be received on January 29, 1979. <br />BID ADVERTISING APPROVED — STREET 14ATERIALS FOR 1979 <br />Patrick M. McMahon, Director of Public Works, made a verbal request <br />to advertise for bids for Street Materials for 1979. Detailed <br />specifications are being prepared for a number of items to be used <br />in the summer program of the Street Department. Upon motion made by <br />Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, the Board approved <br />the request and authorized advertising for bids, with sealed bids <br />to be received on January 29, 1979. <br />ADOPTION OF VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3468, 1979 <br />The Division of Engineering reported to the Board that the petition <br />of the Pilgrim Baptist Church to vacate the east -west alley south of <br />Colfax and east from Birdsell to the first north alley had been <br />reviewed and there was no objection to the proposed vacation, subject <br />to existing utility easements. The Area Plan Commission Staff submitted <br />a report that the petition had been reviewed and there was no objection <br />to the vacation. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. <br />Mullen and carried, the reports were ordered filed and the following <br />resolution was adopted: <br />VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3468, 1979 <br />RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, That it is desirable to vacate the following: <br />first East -West alley south of Colfax Avenue East <br />from Birdsell Street to the first N -S alley. A distance <br />of 115.5 feet. <br />