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r-4 17 <br />36I <br />REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 15, 1979 <br />APPROVAL OF CONTRACT - NORTHWEST INDIANA CRIMINAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL <br />LABORATORY, INC. <br />Chief Michael Borkowski submitted to the Board a contract between <br />the City of South Bend and the Northwest Indiana Criminal and . <br />Toxicological Laboratory, Inc. for services of the Laboratory to <br />the Police Department. The contract provides for payment of <br />$15,000 in quarterly installments and the funding has been included <br />in the Police Department budget. The contract extends from <br />January 1, 1979 through December 31, 1979. Deputy.City Attorney <br />Terry A. Crone reviewed the contract and approved its' legality <br />and form. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen <br />and carried, the contract was approved. <br />LETTER RE: TRUCK TRAFFIC ON EWING AVENUE FILED <br />Captain James Sweitzer of the Police Department Traffic Section <br />reported to the Board on his investigation of the complaint of <br />County Councilman Velma Torzewski regarding heavy truck traffic <br />on Ewing Avenue, between Prairie and Main. Captain Sweitzer noted <br />that four policemen have patrolled the area for the past few weeks. <br />Semi - trucks are allowed to use Ewing Avenue, from Prairie to Main, <br />if they are inter -city trucks. The trucks stopped have been from <br />Modern Warehouse, AM General, Wayne Hardware and RACO and these <br />trucks are able to use the Ewing Avenue City truck route. Captain <br />Sweitzer noted that the Department will continue to watch the area <br />for violators. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. <br />Mullen and carried, the report was ordered filed. <br />APPROVAL OF RAPE CRISIS INTERVENTION CONTRACT <br />John Cimino, Director of the Criminal Justice Planning Bureau, <br />submitted to the Board a contract between the City of South Bend <br />and the Mental Health Center for a Pape Crisis Intervention Program. <br />A Grant Application to the Indiana Criminal Justice State Planning <br />Agency was approved on January 12 for funding as follows: Federal <br />Funds, $16,700.00; State Funds, $927.77; and Local Funds, $927.77. <br />Through this contract, the City will utilize the services of the <br />Sex Offense Staff of the Women's Committee on Sex Offenses to minister <br />to the needs of women victimized by the crime of rape or other forms <br />of abuse or assault. Theresa Tyler and Marcia Silverman were present. <br />Mrs. Tyler noted that this project started as a volunteer agreement <br />and,.through this contract, Mrs. Silverman will work closely with <br />the Police Department to offer better services. Deputy City Attorney <br />noted he had reviewed the contract and had approved its' legality and <br />form. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and <br />carried, the contract was approved. <br />BID ADVERTISING APPROVED - TURNOUT COATS FOR FIRE DEPART14ENT <br />Chief Oscar Van Wiele submitted to the Board a request to advertise <br />for bids for Turnout Coats for the Fire Department. He noted that <br />detailed specifications are being prepared and will be filed with <br />the Board. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen <br />and carried, the request was approved and the Clerk was directed <br />to advertise, with sealed bids to be received on January 29, 1979. <br />DISCOVERY HALL MUSEUM ADMISSIONS POLICY CHANGED <br />Richard Welch, Director of Discovery Hall, submitted a request to <br />change the Discovery Hall Admissions Policy to provide for free <br />admission to groups which are directly affiliated with organizations <br />which have a business or institution membership in the Museum's <br />membership organization, Discovery Hall Associates. Business members <br />pay a membership fee of $100.00 per year and Mr. Welch noted this <br />change would encourage more business memberships. It was the feeling <br />of the Board members that this was a good policy recommendation. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, <br />the Admissions Policy change was approved as recommended. <br />