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REGULAR MEETING <br />341 <br />DECEMBER 18, 1978 <br />FINAL CHANGE ORDER AND PROJECT COMPLETION AFFIDAVIT APPROVED <br />CURB IMPROVEMENTS, CONTRACT I <br />John Leszczynski, Manager of the Bureau of Public Construction, <br />submitted to the Board the final Change Order in the 1977 <br />Curb Improvements - Contract I. The Change Order increases the <br />contract by $11,302.49 and is to cover additional intersection work <br />and to adjust plans to as -built quantities. The contractor was <br />Rieth -Riley Construction Company. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the change order <br />was approved <br />The Project Completion Affidavit for the project was also submitted. <br />The total contract amount was $106,520.84. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr: Brunner and carried, the Project Completion <br />Affidavit, containing a maintenance agreement until December 18, <br />1981, was approved. <br />TEMPORARY ALLEY CLOSING APPROVED <br />Muia Construction Company submitted to the Board a request to close <br />the first east -wes-t alley south of LaSalle, from Notre Dame Avenue <br />west for a period of two months during excavation and construction <br />of a Dental Clinic at 215 N. Notre Dame Avenue. The Bureau of <br />Traffic and Lighting reviewed the request and recommended approval <br />provided the company barricades the alley properly with flasher <br />barricades. Upon motion made by Mr, McMahon, seconded by Mr, Brunner <br />and carried, the request was approved subject to the recommendation <br />of the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting and to the posting of any <br />bonds required by the Building Department. <br />LEASE AGREEMENTS APPROVED - GATESWAY LEASING, INC. <br />Lease agreements between the City of South Bend and Gatesway Leasing, <br />Inc. for the leasing of a car for the Mayor and for the City <br />Controller were submitted to the Board The leases are in accordance <br />with the bid accepted by the Board and provide for a payment of <br />$202.00 per month per vehicle. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the lease agreements were approved. <br />BID ACCEPTED FOR RENTAL OF UNIFORMS <br />Michael L. Vance, Chief Deputy City Controller, advised the Board <br />that bids for the rental of uniforms for various city departments <br />had been reviewed. Mr. Vance recommended acceptance of the low bid <br />of Monarch Industrial Towel and Uniform Rental,, Inc. of $96,769.92 . <br />for a two -year period. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />by Mr. Brunner and carried, the recommendation was approved and <br />the bid accepted. Councilman Mary Chris Adams asked if new employees <br />are issued new uniforms or used ones. The Board requested that <br />Mr. Vance be asked to respond to the question. <br />APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING,- RELOCATION OF SOUTH SHORE TRACKS <br />A proposal from Clyde Williams and Associates to provide professional <br />engineering services for relocation of the South Shore tracks on <br />Bendix Drive was submitted to the Board. Mr. McMahon said the <br />City and the South Shore have agreed on the relocation of the tracks <br />from the center of the Bendix Drive right -of -way to the east side <br />of the street. Under the proposal submitted by Clyde Williams and <br />approved by the South Shore, the fee is not to exceed $4,050.00 and <br />the cost is to be shared equally by the City and the South Shore. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, <br />the proposal was approved. <br />