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REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 18, 1978 3 3`) <br />properly licensed and operating in compliance with the ordinances, <br />there is no reason why an owner cannot have several locations. <br />Mr. Liebowitz pointed out that Mr. Mickelson has been operating <br />on Calvert Street for a number of years and has been complying <br />with the City ordinances. The stand of the neighborhood association <br />is unwelcome. He said there has been much adverse publicity in <br />the South Bend Tribune regarding the Calvert Street business and <br />filed with the Board a statement from Mark Argosh for the Rum Village <br />Neighborhood Association, disclaiming any responsibility or prior <br />knowledge of the recent newspaper articles. Mr. Liebowitz pointed <br />out there are a number of businesses in the area which generate traffic <br />on Calvert Street. This is a heavily traveled area and the traffic <br />is not all coming to 307 W. Calvert. He said he did not like to.see <br />the neighborhood association embark on a program of trying to put <br />someone out of business, He noted that Mr. Mickelson has been. <br />operating his business in accordance with ordinances and regulations <br />and has paid taxes. Mr. Mickelson met with the neighborhood <br />association in an attempt to work out the:problems. The operation <br />has passed the Fire Department inspection and will cooperate with the <br />Environmental Protection Office to allow inspectors needed to secure <br />his license and will correct any violations which may exist. Councilman <br />Mary Chris Adams suggested that licenses for scrap yards be issued <br />on a month to month basis so that if violations occurred and were not <br />corrected, the license would not be renewed. Mr. Brunner said the <br />City would vigorously pursue the proper inspections to see that <br />violations are corrected by making inspections prior to the issuance <br />of any licenses. He noted that the City dealt with Mr. Mickelson.on <br />a property on Phillipa Street and the matter court for two <br />years before it was partially resolved through a consent agreement <br />signed by the City and Mr. Mickelson. He said he would hope it would <br />not require another two -year period to get compliance on the property <br />on Calvert Street. He said a voluminous file on the <br />Mickelson properties. The City recognizes that the Rum Village <br />Association does face problems and is attempting to work to preserve <br />their residential neighborhood. The City is committed to cooperate <br />with them in this effort. Licensing requirements will be enforced <br />fairly and impartially on all such operations. Mr. Brunner then asked <br />Mr. Liebowitz if there was a possibility that Mr. Mickelson would be <br />moving his operation from Calvert Street to Prairie Avenue. Mr. <br />Liebowitz said Mr. Mickelson would be working to alleviate any problems <br />on Calvert Street and there is a possibility that the operation might <br />be moved but he is not in a position to give any timetable. Mr. <br />Mickelson said it. would not be moved within a year. Mr. Liebowitz <br />said Mr. Mickelson would work with the City inspectors and would <br />comply with ordinances.governing licensing but felt other operations <br />should be dealt with in the same manner. He said he felt the City <br />was being used by the Neighborhood Association to harrass Mr. Mickelson. <br />Mr. Brunner said the intent of the City is to enforce the ordinances <br />against all businesses fairly and impartially. He said the pictures <br />submitted by Mr. Liebowitz of alleged violations in other locations <br />would be referred to the Environmental Protection Office for immediate <br />inspections for.violations and appropriate action would be taken <br />if warranted. George Diviak, Vice President of the Association, said <br />he had driven past Mr. Mickelson's site on Prairie Avenue and the <br />Bush location on Washington Street and had observed that.junk cars <br />and other material were being moved from Washington Street to Prairie <br />Avenue. He said '.the Association was curious to know whether Mr. <br />Mickelson had an arrangement with Mr. Bush to move.this material and <br />whether Mr. Mickelson was trying to surround the Rum Village area <br />with junk yards. Mr..Liebowitz responded that they were not trying <br />to surround the Rum Village neighborhood and said Mr. Mickelson had <br />agreed to cooperate with all City agencies in any inspections required <br />for issuance of his license. <br />