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336 <br />BOND APPROVED - LOUIS MC ENDARFER <br />Ray S. Andrysiak, Bureau of Engineering, reported to the Board that <br />an Excavation Bond on behalf of Louis E. McEndarfer had been properly <br />executed and could be approved. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, the bond was approved. <br />TAXICAB LICENSE DENIED — JEFFREY LEE HARTMAN <br />Peter H. Mullen, City Controller, submitted to the Board the taxicab <br />license application of Jeffrey Lee H-,:r=tman and the recommendation of <br />the Police Department that the application be denied. Mr. Mullen <br />concurred with the Police Department recommendation. Mr. McMahon <br />made a motion that the taxicab license application be denied and <br />the applicant advised that he can request a hearing before the Board <br />on the denial. Mr. Mullen seconded the motion. Mr. Brunner noted <br />that the Police Department recommendation stated that Mr. Hartman <br />did not answer all questions truthfully but the application indicates <br />he did not answer all the questions. The motion to deny the <br />application carried, with Mr. Brunner voting No. <br />BID REJECTED FOR VAC - ALL STREET SWEEPERS <br />Mr. McMahon noted that the Board had sought bids for two Vac -All <br />Street Sweepers anticipating that funding would be approved. It now <br />appears that funding will not be available this year and he made a <br />motion that the bid be rejected, and the bidder notified. Mr. Brunner <br />seconded the motion and it carried. <br />STREET LIGHT OUTAGE REPORT FILED <br />The Street Light Outage Report for the period November December <br />6 was submitted to the Board. The report indicated twenty -five <br />outages. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen <br />and carried, the report was ordered filed. <br />TEMPORARY OFFICE FOR MARV -BORR TOYOTA EXTENDED <br />Mr.. McMahon reported that he met with Mary Borr of Mary Borr Toyota <br />regarding a temporary office located at the SE corner of Main and <br />Western. Mr. Borr advised him that he is initiating action to <br />expand and improve his business in downtown South Bend and hopes to <br />have final plans completed within the next few months. Based on <br />that information, Mr. McMahon made a motion to extend the temporary <br />office at the SE Corner of Main and Western for a six -month <br />period, through June 15, 1979. Mr. Brunner seconded the motion and <br />it carried. <br />DECEMBER 25 MEETING CANCELLED <br />Mr. McMahon made a motion that <br />cancelled and all business held <br />on January 2, 1979. Mr. Mullen <br />There being <br />motion made <br />the meeting <br />no further busin <br />by Mr. McMahon, <br />adjourned at 10 <br />ATTEST.: <br />Patricia DeClercq, Clerk <br />the meeting of December 25 be <br />over until the next regular meeting <br />seconded the motion and it carried. <br />ess to come before the Board, upon <br />seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, <br />