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231 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />AUGUST 28, 1978 <br />IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION 03461 ADOPTED - PLANS, COST ESTIMATE <br />AND PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL FILED - N -S ALLEY E. OF O'BRIEN <br />The Department of Engineering submitted to the Board the preliminary <br />plans, cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and improvement <br />resolution covering the proposed paving of the first north -south <br />alley east of.O'Brien Street, from Humboldt to Elwood, under <br />Barrett Law. These steps were taken in response to a petition of <br />property owners on the alley. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />by Mr. Brunner and carried, the documents were filed and the <br />following resolution was adopted: <br />IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 3461 <br />BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Public Works of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, that it is deemed necessary to'improve the first <br />north -south alley east of O'Brien - -St., from Humboldt St. to Elwood <br />Avenue by constructing'a V thick -- Portland Cement Concrete 12' wide <br />inverted crown pavement. The same to be done in accordance with <br />the profiles, drawings, general details and specifications for such <br />improvements approved and to be adopted by the Board of Public <br />Works of the City of South Bend, Indiana, immediately upon the final <br />adoption and confirmation of this Resolution, and placed on file <br />in the Office of the Board of Public Works of said City, and such <br />improvement is now ordered. <br />The total cost of said improvement, including all incidental costs, <br />such as advertising and engineering, shall be assessed upon the real <br />estate abutting on said alley in accordance with applicable statutes. <br />The said improvement is to be financed and paid for as provided in <br />Chapter 40 of the Acts of 1953, as amended (1971 I.C. 18 -6 -3). <br />Assessments, if deferred, are to be paid in five (5) equal installments, <br />with interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum. <br />The 25th day of September, 1978 at the hour of 9:30 a.m. o'clock, <br />Local Time, is hereby fixed as the time and the Board of Public <br />Works Hearing Room, 1308 County -City Building as the place when <br />and where all persons whose property may be affected by such proposed <br />improvement, may be heard as to the necessity for the same, and all <br />petitions and remonstrances received. The Board will, on said day, <br />decide whether the benefits accruing to abutting and adjacent property, <br />and to the City of South Bend, Indiana, will be equal to or exceed <br />the estimated cost of said improvement., The Clerk of the Board is <br />hereby ordered to give notice by two weekly publications of the time <br />and place of hearing of this resolution. <br />Adopted August 28, 1978. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />s/ Patrick M. McMahon <br />S1 Thomas J. Brunner, Jr. <br />s/ Peter H. Mullen <br />ATTEST: <br />s/ Patricia DeClercq, Clerk <br />Notice of Hearing Published on September 1 and September 8, 1978. <br />