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J <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />AUGUST 14, 1978 <br />APPROVAL OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT - SALE OF 2507 W. ORANGE <br />A purchase agreement with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kinnucan for the <br />purchase of a city -®wned lot at 2507 W. Orange Street for a total <br />price of $528 was prepared by Deputy City Attorney Terry A. Crone. <br />The agreement has been signed by the purchasers and is now submitted <br />to the Board for approval. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, the agreement was approved <br />and the Board directed that a deed for the real estate now be <br />prepared. <br />LETTER RE: STREET CLOSING FOR MINI- MARATHON <br />The Board received a letter from the Bremen Iron & Metal Company <br />advising that they experienced some difficulty in business operations <br />due to the closing of Gertrude Street for a short period on August <br />5 for a South Bend Recreation Department Mini - Marathon. Mr. <br />McMahon noted that such street closings occur only four or five times <br />a year. He said it would not be possible.for the Board to undertake <br />notification to all property owners in the area but he requested <br />that the press give such street closings special coverage so that <br />surrounding property owners would have knowledge of the closings. <br />Mr. Kovas of the South Bend Tribune indicated it would not be possible <br />to guarantee such coverage. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />by Mr. Mullen and carried, the letter was ordered filed. <br />REQUEST FOR WALKATHON FILED <br />In compliance with the Board's Guidelines for Walkathons, the <br />March of Dimes submitted a request to hold their Annual Walkathon <br />on April 14, 1979. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by <br />Mr. Mullen and carried, the date for the event was approved and <br />the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting and the Police Department will <br />be advised of this date and the proposed route will be submitted <br />to them for review. <br />REQUEST FOR FOOTRACE <br />The South Bend Y.M.C.A. submitted a request to hold two_footraces <br />on Saturday, October 7, 1978. One race would begin on River Bend <br />Plaza and one would begin at the Y.M.C.A. The routes for both <br />races were submitted, along,with a Certificate of Insurance. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and <br />.carried, the request was referred to the Bureau of Traffic and <br />Lighting and the Police Department for review and recommendation. <br />REQUEST TO PURCHASE CITY -OWNED LOT AT 1814 S. TAYLOR FILED <br />Ms. Henrietta Zakrowski, 1726 S. Taylor Street, submitted a request <br />for information regarding the purchase of a city -owned lot at <br />1814 S. Taylor. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. <br />Mullen and carried, the request was referred to the Park Department, <br />Engineering Department, Community Development Department, <br />Redevelopment Department and the Mayor's Office for review and <br />a determination as to whether the lot should be retained for any <br />purpose. <br />NINETY DAY EXTENSION FOR TEMPORARY OFFICE APPROVED <br />Indiana Cablevision Corporation had located a temporary office at <br />815 E. Pennsylvania with approval of the Board through August 15. <br />The Board was now advised that a new building is under construction <br />at 16830 Edison Road, with completion scheduled for November 1. <br />They requested an additional ninety -day approval for the temporary <br />structure. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner <br />and carried, the extension was approved through November 15, 1978. <br />11 <br />�_J <br />