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212 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />AUGUST 7, 1978 <br />FILING OF ASSESSMENT ROLL - VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3461 <br />Patrick M. McMahon, Civil City Engineer, files an Assessment Roll <br />with respect to Vacation Resolution No. 3461 for the vacation <br />of the east -west alley between 1509 and 1505 South Miami, from <br />Miami Street west to the first north - south alley for a distance <br />of 137 feet. The Assessment lists $0.00 net damages and <br />$0.00 net benefits to the affected property owners of Lots <br />44 and 45 Kreighbaum's 2nd Addition. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Assessment Roll <br />was filed and set for public hearing on September 11, 1978. <br />REQUEST FOR BLOCK PARTY FILED - 1300 E. WASHINGTON <br />Mrs. Robert Peltz, 1328 E. Washington, requested that the Board <br />approve the blocking of the 1300 Block East Washington Street <br />for a Block Party on Wednesday, August 16 from 5:00 p.m. to <br />midnight. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. <br />Mullen and carried, the request was referred to the Bureau of <br />Traffic and Lighting and the Police Department Traffic Detail <br />for review and recommendation. <br />REQUEST TO PURCHASE CITY -OWNED LOT AT 812 W. NAPIER RECEIVED <br />Betty Priest, 816 W. Napier Street, requested information regarding <br />the possible purchase of a city -owned lot at 812 W. Napier. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and <br />carried, the request was referred to the Engineering Department, <br />the Mayor's Office, Department of Redevelopment, Department of <br />Parks and Community Development for review and a determination as <br />to whether the lot should be retained for any purpose. <br />REQUEST FOR PARADE FILED - STEWART MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH <br />The Board received a request from Stewart Memorial Baptist Church <br />to hold a parade on Saturday, September 9 at 2:00 p.m. A proposed <br />route and certificate of insurance were submitted with the request. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, <br />the request was referred to the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting <br />for review and recommendation. <br />LETTER RE: SALE OF 1038 N. BLAINE <br />Jack S. Cook submitted a letter to the Board asking for clarification <br />on the withdrawal from sale of a city -owned lot at 1038 N. Blaine. <br />Mr. McMahon reported that Mr. Cook did not agree to the purchase <br />of the lot at the appraised value of $840.00, but submitted a <br />counter -offer of $600.00 for the lot. The Board submitted the <br />counter -offer to the Common Council for approval and, subsequently, <br />learned that Mr. Cook operates a business adjacent to this <br />property, as a non - conforming use since it does not comply with <br />the zoning regulations. It was also indicated that Mr. Cook <br />planned to use the lot for parking for this business when the lot <br />was acquired. The zoning ordinance would not permit such a use <br />in a residential area, particularly in view of the fact that the <br />business already in operation is classed as a non- conforming use. <br />Mr. Brunner suggested that the matter be referred to the Legal <br />Department for review. Upon motion made by Mr: McMahon, seconded <br />by Mr. Brunner and carried, the letter was referred to the Legal <br />Department for review and a response to Mr. Cook. <br />