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Iti11; <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 10, 1978 <br />FILING OF PETITION TO PAVE NORTH- SOUTH ALLEY BETWEEN JOHNSON AND O'BRIEN <br />A petition signed by fifteen residents of O'Brien and Johnson Streets <br />was filed with the Board, requesting the paving of the north -south <br />alley between Johnson and O'Brien, from Elwood to Humboldt, under <br />Barrett Law. Upon motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Brunner <br />and carried, the petition was referred to the Deb_artment of Engineering <br />for preliminary review and recommendation. <br />FILING OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND ADOPTION OF VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3461 <br />The Bureau of Engineering reported that the petition of Phyllis <br />Feldman to vacate the east -west alley between 1509 and 1505 Miami <br />Street, west to the first north -south alley, was reviewed and they <br />have no objection to the vacation, subject to existing utility <br />easements. The Area Plan Commission staff also reviewed the petition <br />and reported no objection to the vacation but recommended the <br />dedication of turning radius into the intersecting alley. Upon motion <br />made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the reports <br />were filed and the following resolution was adopted: <br />VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3461, 1978 <br />RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, That it is desirable to vacate "the following: <br />the east -west alley between 1509 and 1505 South Miami, <br />from Miami Street west to the first north -south alley <br />for a distance of 137 feet. <br />Reserving the rights and easements of all Utilities and the - Municipal <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, to construct and maintain any facilities, <br />including, but not limited, to the following: electric, telephone, <br />gas, water, sewer, surface water constrol structures and ditches, <br />within the vacated right of way, unless such rights are released by <br />the individual utilities.- <br />The following property may be injuriously or beneficially affected <br />by such vacation: <br />Lots 44 and 45, Kreighbaum's 2nd Addition <br />Notice of this Resolution shall be published on the 14th and 21st <br />day of July, 1978 in the South Bend Tribune and in the Tri- County <br />News. <br />This Board, at its office, on the 31st day of July, 1978 at 9:30 <br />o'clock, A.M., will hear and receive remonstrances from all persons <br />interested in or affected by these proceedings. <br />Adopted this 10th day of July, 1978. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />s/ Peter H. Mullen <br />sl Thomas J. Brunner, Jr. <br />ATTEST: <br />sl Patricia DeClercq, Clerk <br />