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REGULAR MEETING <br />BLOCK PARTY REQUEST FILED <br />JUNE 26, 1978 73 <br />The Board received a request from Ruth Killelea to block the <br />900 block of Victoria Street, the north -south alley from Altgeld <br />to Victoria and the north -south alley from Fairview to Victoria, <br />on Sunday, July 23, 1978 from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Upon <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, <br />the request was referred to the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting <br />for review and recommendation. <br />STREET LIGHT PETITION - 2500 BLOCK PRAST BLVD. <br />The Board received a petition signed by twelve residents of the <br />2500 block of Prast Boulevard requesting installation of street <br />lights in the block. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />by Mr. Mullen and carried, the request was filed and referred to <br />the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting for review and recommendation. <br />PURCHASE AGREE14ENT APPROVED - SALE OF 655 -657 N. LAWNDALE <br />A Purchase Agreement between Tim Miller and Annie Miller and the <br />City of South Bend for the sale of a city -owned lot at 655 -657 <br />N. Lawndale was submitted to the Board. The agreement was prepared <br />by Deputy City Attorney Terry A. Crone and provides for payment <br />of $650.00 for the lot, the offering price established by the Board. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, <br />the Purchase Agreement was approved and will be referred to the <br />Legal Department for preparation of a deed and final closing. <br />PURCHASE AGREEMENT APPROVED - SALE OF 936 E. SORIN STREET <br />A Purchase Agreement between Solomon and 011ie Simmons and the City <br />of South Bend for the sale of a city -owned lot at 936 E. Sorin Street <br />was submitted to the Board. The agreement was prepared by Deputy <br />City Attorney Terry A. Crone and provides for payment of $509.00 <br />for the lot, the offering price established by the Board._ Upon <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, <br />the purchase agreement was approved and referred to the Legal <br />Department for preparation of the deed and final closing. <br />BLOCK PARTY APPROVED - LA SALLE, BETWEEN JACOB AND TWYCKENHAM <br />The Bureau of Traffic and Lighting reported review of the request to <br />block LaSalle Street, between Jacob and Twyckenham, for a block <br />party on July 2 from 1:00 p.m, until midnight. The Police Department <br />was consulted and concurs that approval can be given. Upon motion <br />made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Block <br />Party was approved. <br />BLOCK PARTY APPROVED - 1400 BLOCK HAMPSHIRE <br />The Bureau of Traffic and Lighting reported review of the request to <br />block the 1400 block Hampshire for a Block Party on July 1 from <br />noon until midnight. The Police Department was consulted and concurs <br />that approval can be given. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Block Party was approved. <br />BLOCK PARTY APPROVED - 1300 -1500 SUNNYMEDE <br />The Bureau of Traffic and Lighting reported review of the request to <br />block the 1300 -1500 block Sunnymede for a Block Party on July 7 (rain <br />date July 8). The Police Department was consulted and concurs that <br />approval can be given. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />by Mr. Brunner and carried, the block party was approved. <br />