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x'70 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />Sub - Aquatics, Inc. <br />Reynoldsburg, Ohio <br />Bid - Base Bid $10,920.00 <br />Less Trade -in 930.00 <br />Net Bid $ 9,990.00 <br />Centurion Fire & Safety Equipment <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Bid - Base Bid $11,250.00 <br />Less Trade -In 1,500.00 <br />Net Bid $ 9,750.00 <br />JUNE 26, 1978 <br />Bid was signed by William McBride, <br />non- collusion affidavit was in <br />order and a certified check was <br />submitted. <br />Bid was signed by W. L. Centen, <br />non - collusion affidavit was in <br />order and a certified check was <br />submitted. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, <br />the bids were referred to the Fire Department for review and <br />recommendation. <br />PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED - DENIAL OF POOL HALL LICENSE, 1416 LINDEN <br />The public hearing on the denial of the application of J. Findley <br />May to operate a pool hall at 1416 Linden Avenue was continued until <br />this date. Rev. Booker West of St. Paul Bethel Baptist Church, <br />621 Lindsey, was speak against the issuance of the license. <br />He indicated he signed a petition against the pool hall. Rev. Booker <br />said he has lived in the area for twenty -eight years and would like <br />to see the neighborhood kept up. He said the Martin Luther King <br />Center is a half block away from this location and the Center has <br />pool tables and other recreational equipment. Mr. & Mrs. James Pope, <br />1408 Linden Avenue, spoke against the pool hall, noting that they are <br />trying to improve their property and want to stay in the neighborhood. <br />They pointed out that there are a number of senior citizens in the <br />area and expressed concern for their safetv. Mrs. Pone said there is <br />a nursery school in the area and a pool hall does not provide a good <br />atmosphere for the children. Mr. Mullen stated that he recommended <br />denial of the license several weeks ago, based upon the concern of <br />neighborhood residents and signed petitions against the operation. <br />From a legal standpoint, it is not clear whether this is a basis for <br />denial. Mr. Mullen advised those present that the applicant could <br />have recreational equipment other than pool tables in the building <br />without a license. He said he was advised on Friday by the applicant's <br />attorney that the application was going to be withdrawn. Mr. McMahon <br />said, based on that information, he would move to continue the hearing <br />until the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Brunner seconded the <br />motion and it carried. <br />PUBLIC HEARING ON REVENUE SHARING FUND REQUEST - $627,211.72 <br />This was the date set for holding a hearing on the balance of <br />unappropriated revenue sharing funds for 1978 in the amount of <br />$627,211.72. The Clerk tendered proofs of publication of notice <br />in the South Bend Tribune and the Tri- County News which were found <br />to be sufficient. Mr. Mullen explained that the State Board of <br />Tax Commissioners informed the Controller's Office that the Board could <br />have one hearing to cover all unappropriated revenue sharing funds <br />for the balance of this year. In accordance with the guidelines <br />established for such revenue sharing requests, information about <br />this public hearing was forwarded to the following senior citizen's <br />groups with the request that the notice be published for the members: <br />Foster Grandparents, Hansel Neighborhood Center, R.E.A.L. Services, <br />Retired Senior Volunteer Program and Senior Citizens' Group of <br />LaSalle Park. There were no citizens present who wished to speak on <br />the matter and no written comments were filed with the Board. Upon <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the <br />public hearing was closed and information will be transmitted to <br />the Controller's Office and the Common Council along with the minutes <br />of this public hearing. <br />1 <br />