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141 <br />REGULAR MEETING JUNE 5, 1978 <br />VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3456 CONFIRMED <br />The public hearing on Vacation Resolution No. 3456 for the vacation <br />of the east -west alley between Wayne and Jefferson, running west <br />from Lafayette to the first north - south alley was continued until <br />this date. Mr. McMahon noted that the Board had requested a report <br />from Captain William Shaffer of the Fire Department regarding Mr. <br />James Nafe's claim that fire protection to the rear of his <br />building would be hindered by the alley vacation. Captain Shaffer <br />noted that he made a field inspection and measurements in the area <br />of the Indiana Club building with regard to available fire hydrants. <br />There are six hydrants in the area - the corner of Jefferson and <br />Lafayette, Jefferson and Franklin, Jefferson and Williams, Wayne and <br />Western, Wayne and Franklin and Wayne and Lafayette. He said the <br />hydrant located at the entrance of the alley in question and Lafayette <br />Street is the closest one to the rear of the Indiana Club building. <br />However, there are two other hydrants available to the Fire Department <br />at Jefferson and Williams and Franklin and Wayne. Captain Shaffer <br />said he discussed this matter with B/C Edward Szymkowiak of the Fire <br />Inspection Bureau and Assistant Chief Carl Zwierzyynski, Drillmaster, <br />and it was the consensus of opinion that the vacation of this alley <br />will in no way affect the operation of the Fire Department adversely. <br />He also noted that the Department responds to any call in the <br />downtown area with four pumpers, two to the front and two to the side. <br />The Department could provide adequate protection if the alley is closed. <br />James Nafe, owner of the building at 320 W. Jefferson, said he had <br />alluded to an insurance problem last week and said his insurance agent <br />has indicated that there will be an .adverse effect on the underwriting <br />of his insurance. Mr. Nafe submitted a letter from his insurance <br />agent which was filed with the Board. He then pointed out that this <br />is a used alley. He said his building is 198 feet long. He said if a <br />fire occurred in the front of the building, there is a hydrant across <br />the street. The other hydrants are some several hundred feet from <br />the rear of the building. He said Gurley -Leep frequently has vehicles <br />parked in the back, some on private property and there has been some <br />difficulty getting access to the rear service door on his building. <br />He said closing this alley would increase traffic on the other <br />thoroughfares. Mr. Nafe said the vacation would cause a substantial <br />detriment to the public and to his building and he wished to repeat <br />his previously stated objections to the vacation. Michael Leep of <br />Gurley -Leep Buick was present and said they would be willing to pay <br />the cost of installing a new fire hydrant at the back of the building. <br />It would also benefit Gurley -Leep. He said Gurley - Leep's building <br />adjacent to the alley is presently vacant and being used for storage. <br />They plan to use this space and staff it and it will be an improvement <br />to the downtown. Mr. Leep said they want to be good neighbors and <br />would see that the north -south alley is not blocked. They are also <br />willing to dedicate enough right -of -way to provide a turning radius <br />into the north -south alley. Mr. Leep was asked where construction <br />would take place if the alley is vacated and he said on the first <br />forty feet from Lafayette Street. Mr. McMahon then asked Mr. Leep <br />if he was agreeing to pay the cost of installation of a fire hydrant <br />in the alley and providing a turning radius and Mr. Leep said he was. <br />Mr. McMahon made a motion to confirm Vacation Resolution No. 3456, <br />subject to the installation of a new fire hydrant at the alley <br />intersection and to the dedication of the necessary right -of -way, <br />as determined by the Department of Public Works, for the turning <br />radius. Mr. Mullen seconded the motion and it carried. <br />