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I <br />REGULAR MEETING JUNE 5, 1978 <br />should be considered and the alley should be kept open. He said <br />the only eyesore in the neighborhood is the petitioner's property. <br />There is a trash container partially blocking the alley and trailers <br />parked behind the building. John Owens of the Marine Corps League <br />spoke against the vacation. He noted that there is only limited <br />access to their building since a street was closed. Vacating this <br />alley would cause inconvenience for people going to the Marine Corps <br />League and for people living in the neighborhood who want to get <br />to Parry Street. He said if the alley is closed it will hinder <br />business at the League. Art Vedder; 429 N. Frances, spoke against <br />the vacation. He said that closing the alley would create a fire <br />hazard. A small fire truck can get down that alley when it is not <br />blocked by the trash container. He said the fire hazard and the <br />possible lack of an exit in the event of any disaster at the <br />railroad tracks should be considered. He noted that trucks from <br />Alexanian Brothers block Parry Street with trucks. He said the <br />fire hazard, inconvenience to the people on Parry Street and the <br />closing of an entrance and exit to Parry Street in the event of a <br />disaster should be considered. Paul Williams spoke against the <br />vacation. He said he has asked Hermann and Goetz to move their <br />trash container so the alley can be used. He said the alley is <br />very important to the people on Parry Street. Mr. Amaral then <br />presented a drawing of the area to the Board and noted the lots <br />owned by Herrman and Goetz. He said the petitioners would not <br />necessarily close the alley if it is vacated. They do plan to <br />provide off- street parking and would want access to the lot from <br />Eddy Street and Parry Street. He said they were not in a position <br />to respond to the complaint that Alexanian's block Parry Street <br />with trucks. Mr. Brunner asked Mr. Amaral about the complaint <br />that the alley is blocked by a dumpster. Mr. Amaral said there is <br />a trash container in a portion of the alley. Because of the nature <br />of the alley, the front end loader cannot get to it to unload it <br />unless it is in that location. Mr. Brunner asked if it was not <br />possible to unload it if it were moved out of the alley. Mr. <br />Amaral said the loader would have to drive over the curb causing <br />possible damage. Mr. Brunner said it would appear that the location <br />of the trash container has had something to do with the lack of <br />traffic in the alley. Mr. McMahon pointed out that the alley should <br />not be blocked. Mr. Mullen asked if there was a drawing of the <br />proposed business expansion. Mr. Herrman said he did not have a <br />prepared drawing but the expansion would add 6000 to 8000 square <br />feet. Lois Kuespert, 525 Eddy, said the residents.could not go <br />along with assurance from the petitioner that the alley might not <br />be closed. She said this was done by an oil company who petitioned <br />to close an alley and agreed not to close it off permanently. <br />The property was then sold and the alley was closed. Mrs. Kuespert <br />said her business has declined since a street and other alleys in <br />the area were closed. Mr. Mullen said the Board recognizes that <br />Mr. Herrman would like to expand his business and he has improved <br />the area by demolishing sub - standard structures. He said there <br />might be alternatives to this petition which might be explored <br />and the petitioner might consider dedicating a right -of -way to the <br />City on one of the other lots in the area to allow the neighborhood <br />access to Parry Street. He said it was his opinion that the alley <br />should not be vacated at this time. Mr. McMahon said he agreed <br />with Mr. Mullen and said Mt. Herrman might want to consider the <br />dedication of a fourteen foot right -of -way as an alternative. <br />The Board considers access to Parry Street as very important. <br />He noted that the complaint about the trash container in the alley <br />and blocking of Parry Street by Alexanian Brothers' trucks would <br />be investigated by the Department of Public Works. Upon motion <br />made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the <br />Board rescinded Vacation Resolution No. 3458 and the petition to <br />vacate was denied. <br />