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13 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />JANUARY 16, 1978 <br />ADDITIONS TO PETITION FOR W. POLAND STREET PARKING FILED <br />The Board received a letter from Mrs. Helen Piekarski containing <br />nine additional signatures from residents of the 1300 block West <br />Poland Street requesting that parking be retained on both sides <br />of the street. An original request received from Councilman <br />Walter Kopczynski indicated that residents wanted parking removed <br />from one side of the street because it is narrow and difficult <br />for emergency vehicles to maneuver. Mrs. Piekarski indicated <br />in her letter that all the residents of the block have now signed <br />in favor of keeping parking on both sides. The Board noted that <br />it would appear the residents of the block do not want parking <br />removed from one side as two petitions reflecting this viewpoint <br />are now on file with the Board and no one has come forth to request <br />that parking be removed. Mr. Brunner made a motion to table the <br />matter for one week and ask Councilman Kopczynski for clarification <br />of his request in view of the petitions filed with the Board. <br />Mr. Mullen seconded the motion and it carried. <br />COUNTER -OFFER FOR 1032 DE MAUDE REFUSED <br />The Board had submitted a purchase agreement to Linda Lorenz for the <br />purchase of a City -owned 16t at 1032 DeMaude at an established <br />offering price of $481.00. Ms. Lorenz submitted a letter making <br />a counter -offer of $100.00 for the lot based on the small size of <br />the lot, the condition of the sidewalk at the property and the <br />fact that the property is located in an area where most of the <br />properties are rental properties. She indicated her interest in <br />purchasing the lot was to clean it up and remove debris and noted <br />that the purchase would put the property back on the tax rolls. <br />The Board discussed the offer and reviewed a number of lots sold <br />in 1977 and the purchase prices received. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Board refused <br />the offer of $100.00 for the property at 1032 DeMaude and directed <br />that the Clerk advise Ms. Lorenz of this action and indicate that <br />she can submit another offer or additional information to the Board <br />if she wishes. <br />STREET LIGHT OUTAGE REPORT FILED <br />The Street Light Outage Report for the period January 9 through <br />13 was submitted to the Board. The report indicated fifteen <br />outages. The Board noted the low number of outages reported for <br />the past several weeks and directed that a memorandum be sent to <br />Chief Borkowski asking for a review of this matter and the reason <br />for the low outage report. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />by Mr. Mullen and carried, the report was filed. <br />RESOLUTION ,NO ., °l', ,1,9.78:.ADOPTED, -- <br />Upon motion made by -Mr 'Md14ahon,, seconded by Mr. Brunner and <br />carried, the - following: i- resolution: was adopted: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1, 1978 <br />WHEREAS, the .Board of Public..Works of the City of South Bend <br />has compiled a ,detailed, inventory of all real property <br />owned by the City of South Bend, Indiana, pursuant to Chapter <br />14.5 of the Municipal Code of the City of South Bend; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works has reviewed said inventory <br />of real property and it now finds that certain of the parcels <br />of real estate now owned by the City are not necessary to the <br />public use and are not set aside by state or city law for public <br />purposes; pursuant to Chapter 14.5 of the Municipal Code of the <br />City of South Bend; and <br />