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REGULAR MEETING ' DECEMBER 31; 1979 <br />TERMINATION OF LEASE - SOLUBLE OIL DISPOSAL FACILITY <br />Mr. McMahon recommended that the Board take action to terminate the <br />lease with Prenco, Inc. for the operation of the Soluble Oil <br />Disposal Facility. The termination is to be effective September 30, <br />1980, with the Prenco organization allowed to operate the existing <br />units at the site during that period. Mr. McMahon recommended that <br />the City Attorney's office be requested to draft an appropriate <br />document for notification of the lease termination. Mr. Brunner <br />asked the basis for the termination and Mr. McMahon said by mutua.1 <br />agreement between the City, the Mayor -elect and the neighborhood <br />organization it is felt it would be in the best interests of the <br />City to terminate the lease, with the condition that Prenco be <br />allowed to operate for this nine -month period while they seek an <br />alternate site for the operation. It is anticipated the facility <br />will be handling an increasing level of soluble oil waste in <br />the upcoming years. Mr. Mullen asked if this was a mutual agreement <br />between the City and Prenco. Mr. McMahon said he believed that <br />Mr. Brophy was in agreement but he would be discussing the matter, <br />with him today. Mr. Brophy has indicated there would be no fiscal. <br />damages to the City from the termination. Mr. Mullen suggested <br />that this agreement be obtained in writing from Mr. Brophy. <br />Mr. McMahon made a motion that the Board take action to terminate <br />the lease with Prenco, Inc., effective September 30, 1980, and <br />that the Legal Department draft the document of notification. <br />Mr. Brunner seconded the motion and it carried. In response to a. <br />question from a citizen, Mr. McMahon noted that the Prenco organization <br />will be able to use the existing facility in the interim period <br />but not the new burning unit. <br />ESCROW AGREEMENTS FOR FIRST BANK CENTER APPROVED <br />The Board received Escrow Agreements with contractors for the First <br />Bank Center project. The agreements provide that interest will be <br />paid on retainage funds. The contractors involved are Ritschard <br />Brothers, Inc. for the excavation, Henry- Williams, Inc. for the <br />foundations and Thatcher Engineering Corporation for sheet and bearing <br />piling. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen <br />and carried, the agreements were approved. <br />CONTRACT FOR DEPUTY PROSECUTOR APPROVED <br />John Cimino, Criminal Justice Planner, submitted to the Board a <br />contract between the City of South Bend and St. Joseph County which <br />provides for the hiring of a Deputy Prosecutor through a criminal. <br />justice grant. The contract has been approved by the County <br />Commissioners. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. <br />Brunner and carried, the contract was referred to the Legal Department <br />for review and recommendation. <br />APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF ROCK SALT <br />Patrick McMahon, Director of Public Works, advised the Board that <br />he was able to enter into an agreement with Domtar Industries <br />to purchase 3600 tons of Rock Salt at a much more competitive price <br />than has been offered to the City this year. In order to secure <br />the salt at the quoted price, he entered into the purchase as an <br />emergency action and he requested that the Board approve that <br />action. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen <br />and carried, the Board confirmed the purchase agreement for the <br />rock salt. <br />C: <br />