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The Board examined application of Gaston Joseph Talboom, for the <br />ire .Department and same was ordered placed on file. <br />TRICAL DEPARTMENT: <br />Upon the recommendation of Mr. Ira Hunsberger, the Board approved <br />he installation one 4000 lumen overhead light and eight 6000 lumen <br />ights on Bendix Driave from Bertrand Street to. the South Shore tracks <br />eplacing the twenty boulevard lights which have been unsatisfactory. <br />Installation of a 4000 lumen light on the northwest corner of <br />rookfield and Pershing Streets was approved by the Board, upon the <br />ecommendation of Mr. Hunsberger. <br />A petition, under date of December 5, 1955, was filed with the <br />oard, signed by several residents on East Ewing Avenue, for better <br />ighting in the vicinity of Riley High School and the Golf Course., This <br />as referred to Mr. Hunsberger for investigation and report. <br />The board examined report of summary of tests made during the <br />nth of November, 1955, by Bert S. Cichowicz,- Inspector of Weights and <br />asure s, and' ordered same placed on file. <br />The Fire Department Injuries Report for November was examined <br />d `ordeed "plated on _file. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the <br />eting was adjourned at 11:45 A.,M. <br />�Cha i�man <br />ittest: %n <br />Acting Clerk <br />