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ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT <br />The Board first approved the change -over from underground to over- <br />head system of the light on the southwest corner of the intersection of <br />Portage and Sherman Avenues, which will effect a reduction in cost of <br />lighting and was recommended to the Board by Superintendent Hunsberger. <br />The recommendation of Superintendent Ira Hunsberger for the install - <br />ing,of a 4000 lumen light, at the locations shown below, was given the <br />approval of the Board: <br />Southwest Corner Sussex Dr. and Grove St. <br />Intersection of Swygart and Donald Sts. <br />Intersection of Swygsrt and Calvert Sts. <br />Directly in front of 1222 So. 29th St. <br />A petition to improve the lighting at intersection of Rose Street <br />and Sherman Avenue was referred to Superintendent Hunsberger for_'in- <br />vestigation and report. <br />- A petition for the installation of a streetlight in the 1100 block <br />West Colfax Avenue, at the alley intersection on the north side of the <br />Avenue, was referred to Superintendent Hunsberger for investigation and <br />report. <br />.There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, <br />meeting was thereupon adjourned; the time being 11 :50 A.M. D.S.T. <br />I <br />Attest: ChaIrman <br />Clerk <br />1 <br />POLICE -- DEPARTMENT <br />Chief of Police Richard J. Gillen., being present, requested per- <br />mission of the Board to send the Police Pistol Team to the State <br />Police Pistol Team Matches to be held at Putnamville, Indiana <br />September 15 and 16. The Board granted the request. <br />Chief Gillen next brought to the attention of the Board the <br />possibility of the appointing of a Police Officer to the position of <br />Humane Officer, as provided by statute,.and stated that the Humane <br />Society proposes to build a new building for the housing of stray dogs <br />and will seek City funds for its operation. Some further discussion <br />followed, relative to a proposed ordinance increasing dog license fees, <br />and the assignment of such revenue to the operation of the dog pound <br />under the auspices of the Humane Society. <br />Police Department applications of Richard C. Freeman and Carl Moore, <br />Jr., were examined and ordered placed on file. <br />The application of Henrietta A. Zakrowski for Police Auxiliary School <br />Patrol service was next examined and ordered filed. <br />ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT <br />The Board first approved the change -over from underground to over- <br />head system of the light on the southwest corner of the intersection of <br />Portage and Sherman Avenues, which will effect a reduction in cost of <br />lighting and was recommended to the Board by Superintendent Hunsberger. <br />The recommendation of Superintendent Ira Hunsberger for the install - <br />ing,of a 4000 lumen light, at the locations shown below, was given the <br />approval of the Board: <br />Southwest Corner Sussex Dr. and Grove St. <br />Intersection of Swygart and Donald Sts. <br />Intersection of Swygsrt and Calvert Sts. <br />Directly in front of 1222 So. 29th St. <br />A petition to improve the lighting at intersection of Rose Street <br />and Sherman Avenue was referred to Superintendent Hunsberger for_'in- <br />vestigation and report. <br />- A petition for the installation of a streetlight in the 1100 block <br />West Colfax Avenue, at the alley intersection on the north side of the <br />Avenue, was referred to Superintendent Hunsberger for investigation and <br />report. <br />.There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, <br />meeting was thereupon adjourned; the time being 11 :50 A.M. D.S.T. <br />I <br />Attest: ChaIrman <br />Clerk <br />1 <br />