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I: <br />8 <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT: <br />Chief of Police, Richard J. Gillen, appeared before the Board and <br />recommended the following promotionsand demotions to be made effective <br />in his department as of this date: <br />Lewis C. Rourke be demoted from the rank of Lieutenant <br />to the rank of Detective'Sergeant and to be assigned <br />to the day shift in the Detective Division, under the <br />command of Captain W. L. Welch. Lt. Rourke has requested <br />this demotion due to the fact that being confined to <br />duties inside close quarters, such as the Records Bureau, <br />has not been conducive to his good health and welfare. <br />Thomas N. McNaughton be promoted from the rank of <br />Patrolman (Technician in Records Bureau) to the rank <br />of Lieutenant and to be assigned as Commanding Officer <br />of the Records Bureau. <br />Woodrow M. McDaniel to be demoted from the rank of <br />Detective Sergeant to the rank of Patrolman and to be <br />assigned to the Second Detail (7;00 A. M. to 3 :00 P.M.) <br />Patrol Division. <br />The Board approved the Chief'is recommendations. <br />Chief Gillen then brought to the Boardis attention,, the police <br />pistol matches to be held at Tampa, Florida,. March 5th to.Mareh 17th, <br />and asked permission for the attendance of the South Bend Police .Pistol <br />Team, comprised of Captain Mathew Za.remka, Captain Glen Zubler, Lieutenant <br />Richard Stickley, and Captain. Charles Kile. Permission was granted by the <br />Board. <br />The time now being 11 :00 oiclock as legally advertised for opening <br />of bids to supply the Police Department with one 2 -way radio equipped <br />motorcycle, the Board proceeded in this matter. Only one bid was <br />received, that of the Harley-Davidson* Sales Agency, which was submitted, <br />as follows: <br />HARLEY DAVIDSON SALES, A Non - Collusion Affidavit <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. and Certified Check in <br />the amount of $125.00 <br />accompanied the bid. <br />1 - 1954 two wheel Motorcycle <br />equipped as perspecifications <br />in proposal . ......................$l737.34 <br />Less Trade -In 1 500.00 <br />1951. H.D. Motorcycle 31237-34 <br />The Board having checked with Chief Gillen, the listed equipment <br />and finding the proposal to be in order in all respects, awarded the <br />contract thereupon, and directed the.Cldrk to issue the required purchase <br />order. <br />The Police Department application of Jos. P. Sieczko was examined <br />and ordered placed on file. <br />ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT: <br />Supt. Ira Hunsberger, being present, recommended the installation of <br />1000 lumen lights at each of the following locations: <br />Hillside and Carlisle Streets <br />Elwood Avenue and Kenmore Street <br />Bulla Avenue and Kenmore Street <br />The Board approved Supt. Hunsbergeris recommendation. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT: <br />Fire Chief, Richard J. Duck, being present, placed before the <br />Board, a quotation in the sum of $78.75 for the painting of the general <br />office at Central Fire Station. The Board considering this a reasonable. <br />figure, accepted the offer and directed the Clerk to confirm with formal <br />purchase order. <br />1 <br />