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Wayne Pharmacal Supply Co. <br />Wire & Disc Wheel Sales <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT: <br />$2.21 Wesley Miller Coal Co. <br />4.90 Wire & Disc Wheel Sales <br />$173.90 <br />22.52 <br />Chief of Police, Richard J. Gillen, placed before the Board the <br />required forms for the appointment of special police officers, to <br />cover Henry B. Jennings, an employee of the Oliver Corporation and <br />Theodore W. Ringer, an employee of Indiana Bell Telephone Company. <br />The Board approved both appointments and, accordingly, signed and <br />affixed the Boardts seal thereto. <br />Considerable discussion was next given the request of the St. <br />Joseph County Tuberculosis League for the enforcement of the anti - <br />spitting ordinance. The Board disapproved the use of downtown <br />lighting poles for the placards the organization contemplates using <br />to publicize their campaign, inasmuch as such use must be restricted <br />to the United Fund and Christmas decoration activities, to avoid <br />a continuous use, miss -use, and unsightly appearance of the City's <br />ornamental light poles. <br />Police Department applications of the following applicants <br />were examined and ordered filed: <br />James C. Black <br />James A. Boocher <br />Raymond J. Ciesielski <br />Robert J. Cross <br />Vincent J. Nagy- <br />John S. Orisich <br />Zenith S. Winnicki <br />ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT: <br />Ira Hunsberger, Supt. of the Electrical Department, appeared <br />before the Board and called attention to his departmentts need of a <br />considerable quantity of weatherproof wire and cable, and twenty - <br />fire alarm boxes. The Clerk was directed to proceed with the re- <br />quired advertising. <br />Superintendent Hunsberger then brought up for discussion the <br />subject of cost and maintenance of the downtown burglar alarm system, <br />with the view that the City-assumes an unfair proportion of the costs <br />of this alarm system. It was pointed out that the merchant is charged <br />only for &ctual material and labor at the time of installation of his <br />burglar alarm. It was the decision of the Board that a'definite <br />Procedure to provide a more equitable distribution of maintenance <br />cost for this extensive wiring system must be established, and that <br />the subject is to be followed up in successive meetings. Superintendent <br />Hunsberger was asked -to provide the Board with a listing of the banks <br />and other establishments now connected with the City's burglar alarm <br />system, and with an approximate estimate of the mileage of wiring the <br />Electrical Department maintains in connection with this system., <br />Superintendent Hunsbergerts recommendation for the installation <br />Of a 1000 lumen light on Garland Road (Post No.J306 -190) was approved <br />by the Board. <br />Petitions,for improved street lighting at the following locations <br />were examined and referred. to Superintendent Hunsberger for his � <br />investigation and report: <br />Carlisle Street'from Hillside Street <br />to Delaware Street <br />KeniPore Street, from Elwood Avenue <br />to Bulla Street, <br />'Intersection of Cotter and Chapin Streets. <br />