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Board by Chief of Police, R J. Gillen, The Board was favorably im- <br />pressed with the type of sign illustrated, and recommended by:the Chief <br />of Police, and will bring the matter to the Mayor for the consideration <br />of its use at school locations throughout the City. <br />Mr. F. Hartman of the Studebaker Corporation, next appeared before <br />the Board, asking permission of the Board to equip the Studebaker Plant <br />ambulance with ambulance type red lights and siren. This ambulance is <br />to be used in runs to the v?rious plant buildings and to the.Studebaker <br />medical center. Permission was accordingly granted by the Board for <br />such proper equipping of this ambulance. <br />Petition for two street lights on Gertrude Street, south of <br />Ewing Avenue, was referred to the Superintendent of the Electrical <br />Department, Ira Hunsberger,for investigation and report. <br />It then being 11 :00 o'clock, the meeting was recessed to reconvene <br />at 1 :30 P. M. <br />At 1:30 P. M., there being no.further business for the attention <br />of the Board, meeting was adjourned. <br />C a r <br />A t t e S t O,,e7 "y`." at, <br />Clerk <br />October 13, 1953 <br />A regular meeting of the Board of Public Safety was held Monday, <br />October 13, 1953, at 10 :00 A. M. All members were present. Minutes <br />of the previous meeting were read and approved. Claims of the following <br />suppliers in the amount of $6266.70 were approved and ordered paid: <br />American LaFrance Foamite Corp. <br />City Water Works <br />Feaser Coal Co. <br />Feaser Coal Co. <br />The Gibson Co. <br />Indiana Lbr. & Mfg. Co. <br />Indiana & Michigan Electric <br />Michigan Calvert Hdwe. Co. <br />Michigan Calvert Hdwe. Co. <br />Michigan Calvert Hdwe. Co. <br />Office Supply & Equip. Co. <br />Postmaster <br />Rex Batteries, Inc. <br />South Bend Electric Co. <br />The Studebaker Corporation <br />Sangamo Electric Co. <br />Traffic House, Inc. <br />Co. <br />Wesnerts Harley Davidson Sales <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT: <br />$47.43 <br />Car Parts, Inc. <br />$11.13 <br />7720'74 <br />Colip Brothers, Inc. <br />2975:00 <br />131.10 <br />Feaser Coal Co. <br />60.87 <br />59.85 <br />Gafill Oil Co. <br />11930-11 <br />90.00 <br />Indiana Lbr. & Mfg. Co. <br />6.77 <br />15.48 <br />Indiana Lbr. & Mfg. Co. <br />1.22 <br />111.76 <br />C. E. Lee Co. <br />8.52 <br />1.57 <br />Michigan Calvert Hdwe. Co. 1.35 <br />2.55 <br />Michigan Calvert Hdwe. Co. 1.37 <br />1.64 <br />No. Ind. Public Service <br />77.00 <br />8.10 <br />Office Supply & Equip. Co. 55.50 <br />10.00 <br />The Seagrave Corporation <br />41.75 <br />34.85 <br />South Bend Electric Co. <br />1,74 <br />2.66 <br />Standard oil Co. <br />150.00 <br />1.44 <br />The Studebaker Corporation 42.54 <br />13. 9 <br />Super Par Auto Laundry <br />175.00 <br />15.50 <br />Verd -A -Ray Corporation <br />8040 <br />123.07 <br />White's Radiator Service <br />11.00 <br />First appeared before the Board, Fire Chiefs Richard J. Duck, and <br />announced having thirteen vacancies in the Fire Department now requir- <br />ing appointments. The Chief then presented eleven applications and <br />informed the Board these applicants are physically fit'and have his <br />recommendation for appointment as probationary firemen, effective <br />October 15, 1953. The Board examined the applications and question <br />arose concerning two applicants having passed their 30th birthday anni- <br />versary,as to whether these men were eligible for appointment. Chapter <br />31, Acts of 1937, was cited, as was also the recent ruling in this <br />matter handed down by Indiana Attorney General, Edwin K. Steers, and <br />the eligibility of these applicants was thereby conceded. The Board <br />accordingly, approved for appointment, as recommended by Fire Chief, <br />1 <br />7 <br />1 <br />