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WIM <br />September 28, 1953 <br />A regular meeting of the <br />Board of <br />Public Safety was held Monday, <br />September 28, 1953, at 10 :00 <br />A. M. All <br />members were present. Minutes <br />of the previous meeting were <br />read and approved. Claims of the following <br />suppliers, in the total amount <br />of $1357.75, were approved and ordered <br />paid #' <br />American Auto Parts, Inc. <br />$3.70 <br />American Auto Parts, Inc. <br />$25095 <br />115.37 <br />Car Parts, Inc. <br />19.51 <br />115.37 <br />Richard J. Duck <br />The Gamewell Co. <br />211.27 <br />Arthur 0. Brown <br />The Gibson Co. <br />4060 <br />The Gibson Co. <br />141.94 <br />Globe Print Shop <br />32.50 <br />Graybar Electric Co. <br />39005 <br />Indiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />27.79 <br />Indiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />14.09 <br />Indiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />134.22 <br />Indiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />17.10 <br />Indiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />9.19 <br />Indiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />10 73 <br />Indiana Lumber & Mfg. Co. <br />2094 <br />Midwestern Mfg. Co. <br />28.95 <br />Midwestern Mfg. Co. <br />31.24 <br />Northern Indiana Public Ser. <br />1.00 <br />office`Engineers, Inc. <br />13.99 <br />Redmer Distributing Co. <br />6.18 <br />The Ridge Co. <br />5.00 <br />Singer General Tire; Inc. <br />4.25 <br />Singer General Tire, Inc. <br />4.50 <br />Singer General Tire, Inc. <br />1.25 <br />Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories 6.33 <br />South Bend Supply Co. <br />75.80 <br />South Bend Supply Co. <br />.59 <br />The Studebaker Corporation <br />185.88 <br />The Studebaker Corporation <br />24.01 <br />The Studebaker Corporation <br />5.29 <br />William L. Welch <br />6.65 <br />Weisberger Bros. Inc. <br />31.52 <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT: <br />The Board first considered the three proposals received from the <br />I. W. Lower Company, The Modern Decorating Company, and R. J. Wolf, Painting <br />Contractor, for painting Fire Station No. 7.- These proposals being in <br />the following amounts respectively; $786.00,4480-00, and $1047,00, the <br />Board awarded the contract to The Modern Decorating Company for $480.00, <br />as the lowest and best bid and directed the Clerk to issue purchase order <br />encumbering funds to cover this work accordingly. <br />The Fire Department application of Chester R. Salwoski was examined <br />by the Board and ordered placed on file. <br />Three - reports of runs made into the outlying area by Engine Companies <br />12 and 13, under dates of September 5, 9, and 10, were examined and ordered <br />filed. <br />This being the time set in the legal advertising for the opening <br />of bids to provide an 8-cylinder 4 -door sedan, equipped with Federal C -5 <br />siren for the Fire Department, it was so announced and'the only bid <br />received, that of the Scherman- Schaus- Freeman Company, was opened and <br />read as follows: <br />1 - 1953 Studebaker Commander Deluxe 4 -door <br />Sedan equipped as per specifications in <br />proposal $2990.42 <br />Less 15% Discount ...................... 11 382.00 <br />Less Tax Exemption 168.33 <br />02440 g <br />Gold Leaf Lettering .................... 35.00 <br />- <br />1 - 1953 Studebaker Commander Land Cruiser <br />equipped as per specification in <br />proposal.............. $3165093 <br />Less 15% Discount ..................... O6.80 <br />. <br />Less Tax Exemption.................... 182,82 <br />12577-31 <br />Gold Leaf Lettering................... 35.00 <br />_.. 3 <br />If Power Steering is desired, add.... 153.38 <br />which <br />The Bid,^was accompanied by a certified check for $280.00, and non - <br />ollusi.on affidavit properly executed, was taken under advisement by the <br />�oard. <br />