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Southwood Avenue, was referred by the Board to Supt. Hunsberger for <br />attention. <br />Report of run made by Engine Company No. 12 into outlying area, under <br />to of September 1, 1953, was examined and ordered filed. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting <br />adjourned at 11:45 A. M. <br />a rman <br />fittest :' <br />Clerk <br />September 21, 1953 <br />A regular meeting of the Board'of Public Safety was held Monday, <br />> eptember 21,'1953, at 10:00 A. M. All members were present. Minutes <br />if the previous meeting were read and approved. Salary claims in the <br />amount of $75,163.35, were approved. Claims of the following suppliers <br />Ln the amount $1255.35 were approved and ordered paid: <br />merican Home Equipment Co. <br />erber Mfg. Co. <br />ichard J. Gillen <br />itchen Mart <br />eyerts Hdwe. Co. <br />otorola Comm. & Elect. Co. <br />ational Rifle Association <br />chillingts <br />chillingts <br />mithts Nu -Art Photo Shop <br />J. Stogdill, M.D. <br />ire & Disc Wheel Sales <br />eisberger Bros. <br />OLICE DEPARTMENT: <br />$34.33 <br />C. R. Campbell & Sons <br />$12.50 <br />58-75 <br />The Gibson Co. <br />13.74 <br />92.31 <br />Indiana Lbr. & Mfg. Co. <br />11.04 <br />213.80 <br />Memorial Hospital <br />50'75 <br />3.ti_8 <br />Mittler Supply Co. <br />4.10 <br />117.16 <br />National Brake Service <br />3.96 <br />20.00 <br />Radio & Tel. Dist. Co. <br />3.97 <br />1.:3.2.5 <br />Schillingt s <br />10.00 <br />5.04 <br />Sinclair Refining Co. <br />215.44 <br />14.40 <br />Super Par Auto Laundry <br />140.00 <br />31.00 <br />W. J. Stogdill, M.D. <br />37.00 <br />42,60 <br />J. W. Werntz & Son, Inc. <br />52.98 <br />8.75 <br />West Printing Co. <br />60.00 <br />Chief of Police, Richard J. Gillen, being present, placed before the <br />oard, the appointment of L. A. Young, as a special police officer in and <br />or the City of South Bend, as an employ of Kenneth Hurd, Private Detective. <br />ppointment was approved and signed by the Board. <br />An interesting and instructive report was given by the chairman of <br />he Board, I. A. Hurwich, on the successful operation and results from <br />he use of the electric speed timing device, obtained by the City of <br />eno, based on two - hundred arrests. Mr. Hurwich pointed out the necessity <br />f two officers co-operating in such arrests and bothcfficerst names appear - <br />ng on police summons. <br />The legal requirements in the matter of posting of signs indicating <br />use of this device on highways entering the City, were also brought out in <br />discussion. <br />The Police Department application of Leo J. Donovan was examined and <br />ered placed on file. <br />The disposition of Police Department Car No. 45, a 1953 Studebaker <br />Title No. 1612147) damaged in a wreck and considered salable as junk, <br />as deferred for further consideration. <br />