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PL'ULIC.' ACxE:3:4 SLSS~TON JULY ?2; ?f11 ~ '~ l2 <br /> Trrtaf <br />+~Poltce <br />Capitfal <br />I~ud~et} <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />Crrartt I~edeveloptnent ; $rc~wraf elds Clea~~up v 1'v'~.'E ~ la~.:~ff.ittrell <br />A~reerraent Comniissic~ra I~evc~Ivir~~ Lcaan Fund. Grant $I6I},(~{}~}.~{} <br /> 1l~reccnt - I"'ornaez` ~S EPA <br />' <br />_ _ 5taralpiaa Plarat Property R~,I= <br />Grant) <br /> <br />Grant <br />' I~ede~eleapa~aent R <br />Braawag~el~is Cfoantap <br />~I ~~i,(3[7f~.~Y~ _ <br />Gilatllttks <br />A~reerrtent ~ C'camiraissaon Itr~vr~l ving Loan Ftand Grant SUS EI'A <br /> A~reetnettt -Farmer Railroa+~ I?Lb' Cir~ant} <br /> Propert}~ S~-tath aI° Stttdebalfcr <br /> ~tat-Z~irlg Plant <br />A,PPIf~C?VAL t~E 5`I';FT GLC}~f`!R~ - AIi,BEi~T ~V~''~II~£ FRUi~~. V~'£S7'F~~I~ ~1VE~;UE. "ir++C~ <br />IJUR(~IV ~'~`REET <br />Mr. Gilot skated the Bsaard is in receipt of an application for a sheet clc~stare for the above <br />referred to street Exam IVIs. Braa~,cii Smith, 2~ ~ Charleston I3rive, tvlishawa.Is~a, Irtciiana 4~~5~~~. `I"he <br />closatre is err the bloclf where Irer rraother Iives and i5 far the purpose of` a surprise lairtladav part} <br />#'or her mcather. The apl~licatian was nat received until July ~[~, ~OI~, a.nd Linda Ulartra, Clerk, <br />tnlcl Ms, Smith that. her apprcrti•aI was subject tct the receipt of ttae nei~hborhoc~d si~rtaturG si~eet, <br />which tivn;~Id indicate I~Is. Smith nlt~ranecf the n~:iahbars of the cv~erat. Ms. Ivtaz-lita informed tiac. <br />B~~rd that she is in receipt oI'the nei~hf~nnc~aoc~ 5i~xaataare shoet. I?pon a mcation b}= Mr. Gilot, ar~d <br />secoaaded by Mr, Inks, the street clcfscrr~e was approved. <br />PA`IrtlRr'~I3L.E Rf:C~7iti"Ii~~IEI`vI~A'I'It31~t - I'ET'I`TI~N TCJ 'v'~".C~='ti"I'F Tf9E ~iC3~'f'~~I!SCJ~GT~-I <br />ALLI~Y BEHIND FI'~I.3LER'S HIaAR"I~I-I. lrvi~~I~I501~ GYSTbII~ BAS., t~1~dll I~.S"I' +C)I: T'HF. <br />SAIGON I~FE`I' PA.I?vG LU'I' <br />Mr, Gilof iardicateei that Sean Meehan, Laaac~ t~-~.~,~trer, l~;iddlea•'s Hlartlt; Boo and O~u~ Nguyeta, <br />Land. Owners, 5a:igan Market; and Laura. Simeri, Land. Ow-r~er, Madisnn [.)yster Isar, have <br />subaxutted a req~acst to vacate the ak~tave referred to alley. itdlr. Gilcat st;~tec-i that he is irl receipt cif <br />art Alley ~=~zcati~r~ and Iasetrtezlt ~greeti~cnt between tk3e parties fr~r the vacation. Tl3e alley ~~•i1I <br />be used cap an ca€~tdoor ca:I~ strcactaare by Fiddler's Hearth; storage o~ d.utrtpster atad two I~'L>>t1.C <br />~taxits and a satellite dish ley Madison t~yster $ar; artd itlgress~e~ress and delivery sere, ices b}~ all. <br />parties. NIr. Inks noted. the agrcetrterat should f?e approved subject to issues of zctnin, Buildira~. <br />l~egartrnetrt, artd food seriaic+e being addressed. Thereftare, ~1~Ir. CTilat a~;~de a rrzotiort tltttt ~e <br />Board approves the agreeancrrt sub,~cct to those issues berm,. rescalved. Ms. l:,ittrell seconded the <br />tr~ofcrn wlaY~h carried. <br />f3otzrd Meartbers discussed the followi~ti~ agenda hen's: <br />.Addea~dtam tv l~'I~zster 1~~ency Agt~eeents - I~edcvefopment Garxtn~issican <br />Mr. lttks questioned Artn Kc~lata, +Corztanurtity f7evelopment; whether the hinds have been <br />app•rol~riated fctr the two Aclcl~errdtart-~s regaa-ding the tc~rnaer Studebaker Stau~apita~, Pia-nt. <br />the stated she thaultt so, but would verily. I`3oartl. Att~~rtaey, Cheryl +C3reet~e, noted tl2e <br />5peciftcations needed try tne~t tl~a~: grant requirerrtertts. Ms. I~olata stated [heir arc.lutcct <br />was revietiv'tng tlaetrz at~r~ she 4vas certain they did meet the regttirerrtcnts. <br />- Request to Reject Q~iataticrns and ~c-quote <br />Mr. Patrick ~Ienth~~rn# Engineering, sttztec3 he is a°ecf~.acsting tc~ reject the quotes recevcd <br />because they were afaove tl~te ~75,f?4J~ tttt-esholcl, and there vverr issttcs witYa the <br />speciftcativzzs. IJe jleatcr~l the gatantities have: been acl~us.i.ed try hctpefially l~ria3g the quc~tcs in <br />under ~7a,(I[~(]„ and the I~itl specs were sitnl~]il:i~;d. <br />C.harane t~rrfer - Tc~enrtedv ~`arlt Se~,~-er Ser~aratic~n - PliaSe I <br />