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ItECrUL~IR I'~FETI~~ :QTLY 26.201Q 21'~ <br />lvfr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Vi11a, Engineering, has subrraitted Change Urder No. 7 (Final) can <br />behalFof Vvalsh & Dell}~, Ix~c., X4358 SIB 23, South Rend, Indiana 4~~514, indicating the contract <br />amount be decreased by X3,298,35 for ~a new contact suan, including thin Change [3rder, of <br />~123,4~i6.d5. Additionally subrzaitted was the I'rc~ject Com,pletiom AfFida4~it indicating this new <br />fznal cast of 123,466.65. I1Pon a motion made by IVIr. Inks, seeonded ley 4~r. Littrel] and. <br />carried, Change C?rder ~+l+o. 1 (Final) and the Project Con~Pletion A#'#adavit 4vcr~e approved. <br />A1~I'ItUVE CI-I~1,A~C.IF; ®RDIJR l~~}, I P=II~~hI~ ,4NI? I'RO~JEC:T C{~NiFLE`TdC3N A~FFPI~A~FT <br />CUjTELF.S~I STADII~iI~I FIELD FALL P:~F3 I~FP'LACEl4~EiVT -- I'R.[).IEGT hU. 110-008I3 <br />~I7AJTi II~ } - - <br />ll~Ir. Gil~ot advised that Iv1r. Toy Vi1Ia, Engineering, has submitted Change 4Jrder `~lo_ 1 (Final} on <br />behalf of Fisher Athletic, 2060 Uaa.~hle Road, Salisb~az~y, Borth Carolina 58I45-1985, zndi~cating <br />the contract amount be i~~creased by ~2,3Q0,00 for a new contra~:t sun, including this Change <br />Urder, of` ~ I0`?,057.0(). Aclelitionally snh~nittcd was the I'rc~ject C~~mpic.tit~n Aff davit. indicating <br />this new [final cc+st of $! U'?,[357.€~Cl. [?p~ar~ a tnotc~n by l~r'Ir. Littrell, seccandcd b~~ l`vlr. Inks <br />and carried, Change (3rder I~lc~. 1 {Final) and the Project Completion Aflidavit w•erc appr~~ved. <br />l~I'Pk~C3ti'E I'I~f).TF_.CT C~}~1PI.FTIUI'q AFFII]AViT _. GO~1EI<.LSI~P STt~'UIL;M BA(:d~STUP <br />NETTI:~IC R.fiI'LACEMLNT - PR(~.IEC~' I~~fl. 11(I-O~IRA 4SR~'1~,~,'TI~ ^.. <br />Mr. ~iilot advised that 1Vir. Toy ViI1a, I~ngineeru~g, lra:~ s~zbtx~itted tine Prc~_ject Cornlaletic~n <br />Affidavit on behalf ~~r P3urbanlc Sports Not, P{? Box 16I98, Fernandina, Florida 32015, fur the <br />above refLrerrced project, indicating a Cznal cast c~C 7t1,054.0(I, ~porz a ~notiot~ rroa~ie by Mir. <br />Litti°ell, se~:~rn~led by Mr. Inks and. carried, the Project CornF-letion Afl adavit was ~tlaproved, <br />A~PI~[)VAI~ C]F I~>E [,tFST TC1 A17VER'1`ISE FQR I"HF' ItECE1PT (]~^ CiPl7~S - PPS- <br />[JAI_,l.F'I+C~1'I'1f~~i C1F B~I3Y SHCtI' ~E;I~AIR SER~TI[~E ~I)~PA~"P'lv4ENr1' BtaDGETS~- <br />In a nlernorandum to the. Board, ~-. Jef-ii-ey Iludalt, Central Services, requested pcr~nis5iun to <br />advertistg F~~r tl~e receipt of bids for the above r~;ferenced services.. `I'hcrelore, upo~t a t~xotiar~ <br />n~adc by l'~1r. I.ttt•ell, sect~nded by 11~~r, Inks and carried, the above request was approved., <br />~=1Yk~I~UVAL t7I~ l~,€rRF,Fi1~N1~Sl~f~i~'IT~ACTSIPI~t~I'U4AI.,SIAIJl3'FI~II?A <br />'i~"13e tollow~a-ing A.greezraentslContraclslPrt~posals!Addenda were subzz~ittct~ to the Board nor <br />approval: <br />--- Type k3usitr~ess -_ ~eserPtion Atnr~u~t l1!~utianf <br /> Se~vn[1 <br />Fxter~ion University of _ <br />l~viidwest Pnstitute for I Nlr'1 In1~s11.ittrell <br />Addenduzr~ to ?~lotre Dame _'ganoelectt'anics ~ <br />Agreement I)istovery Project _ f <br /> Extending Termination <br /> Bate tv I7ecet~ber 3 t, <br /> <br />_ 4 <br />_ <br />...__ <br />ELI l 2 ~ <br />~-g~'eernent ~ <br />€ T <br />The '~~U'etlands <br />'s In the I~ablic FZi ht of ._._ <br />g ,__~~ <br />~ _. __. - _-_- - <br />LittrcllTlnks <br />Authc~ri~it~g Company-, : Way East of Scutt Street <br />Entry upc~r~ LLC, anal ~ and an the Cite of"South. s <br />Public Midway Fiend Street Del~artrnent ~ <br />I'rc~perty for Services, Inc. Property at 731 South <br />l Drilling Lafayrette Boulevard <br />Purposes and <br />Revocable <br />Pe~• for <br />Environn•~ental <br />- ~• •- <br />