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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 23, 2010 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Catherine Pittman, 2628 Summit Ridge Drive, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she is <br />here tonight to talk about the continuance of Bill No. 30-10. She stated that after <br />watching the Council tonight she realized that the Council is very skilled in scheduling <br />the bills before the Council for public hearing and third reading. She asked if the Council <br />could make an effort to schedule Bill No. 30-10 for a vote. Ms. Pittman stated that she <br />realized that the Council has a lot on their plates for the remainder of August and <br />September. She asked if someone could contact her so she could pass it on to other <br />people because many people in the community want to know when it is going to come up <br />for a vote. She stated that is all that is left is the vote on this bill and encouraged the <br />Council to schedule Bill 30-10 for a vote. <br /> <br />NDTH <br />COMMENTS REGARDING 2 & 6 DISTRICTS <br />Gayle Brodie, 114 S. Lake, South Bend, Indiana, President LaSalle Park Neighborhood <br />Association, which includes the Oliver Gateway and the Westside and have joined <br />together to form the Southwest Side Alliance. She stated that through Weed & Seed <br />efforts they all discovered that there were fighting the same battles and decided to unite. <br />ndth <br />She stated that this area covers the 2 and 6 District’s of the City and they feel that their <br />voices are not being heard. She appealed to the Council to take a serious look at this area <br />and to work with the neighborhoods to improve living conditions, visual surrounding and <br />do what ever is necessary to encourage businesses to come to the area. She stated that <br />she has lived in her home for 53 years and has seen the good, the bad and the ugly. She <br />stated that she retired with her home paid for and planned to spend the rest of her life <br />there. She stated that now if she could pick up her home and move to another city she <br />would. Her property value has decreased because of the surroundings so selling is not an <br />option. She stated that there are no conveniences for those that have worked hard and <br />contributed to the tax base. East side residents have the convenience of shopping on <br />Grape Road. North side residents have the convenience of shopping on Portage and <br />Cleveland Roads and those on the South Side of town have Ireland Road, those living <br />west of Chapin Street have nothing. She stated that they do however have their more <br />than their share of public and low income housing. She stated that problems with small <br />businesses on Western Avenue along with the numerous car repair and dealerships. She <br />stated that they also have more drug dealings because of the aforementioned businesses <br />and at no fault of theirs. Police patrols are few and far between. Contrary to what other <br />residents think they are not all thieves, drug addicts and law breakers. Ms. Brodie stated <br />that they are strong residents who are law abiding citizens, who own their homes and <br />contribute positively to society. Any time that a crime is committed on the west side the <br />South Bend Tribune and newscasters make sure to report that it happened on the “West <br />Side” , any time a crime is on the other side of town, if you don’t know the street then <br />you don’t know where it occurred. She stated that they have met with the Mayor and all <br />departments heads individually and together and get more excuses than solutions. She <br />stated that she picked up the paper and read all the commitments that the City has given <br />to Eddy Street Commons and it literally makes her ill to see the extravagant surroundings <br />in other parts of the city and the southwest side doesn’t even have a dry cleaner. She <br />stated that they feel the city has deserted the southwest side. <br /> <br />COMMENTS REGARDING KENNEDY PARK CSO PROJECT <br />Vera Smith, 2715 Bonds Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she is speaking about <br />the Kennedy Park CSO Project. Ms. Smith noted that she did receive get their <br />information this week regarding the plans for the sidewalks. She stated that she spoke <br />with Gary Gilot who was sitting in the audience tonight and he was able to shed some <br />light on those plans. However she still has some concerns regarding Kennedy Park and <br />would like to discuss this issue tonight. She stated that there has been so much planting <br />and replanting of grass and unnecessary money being spent on this because cars cannot <br />get through and are having to drive up onto the grass to get around. She stated that there <br />have been several home burglaries since this project began in the area and that the police <br />had a difficult time getting through with the construction and the redesign of the streets in <br />the area. She stated that she would like to see the City Council come out and walk that <br />area between Eclipse and Bonds and see the concerns that are still unanswered. Ms. <br />Smith stated that they feel just like their counterparts on the Westside and are being <br />neglected and ignored on the northwest side. <br /> 8 <br /> <br />