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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 23, 2010 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember Varner, Chairperson, Information and Technology Committee <br />th <br />announced that he would be calling a meeting of that committee for either September 13 <br />th <br />or September 27 to discuss the concerns with “breaking in the new video system” <br />relative to starting and stopping the recordings so that all Council meetings are properly <br />recorded. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis thanked Gary Gilot, Director of Public Works and the <br />Street Department for the paving of Falcon Street. He stated that it was done in a timely <br />manner with minimal disruption to the residents of the area. <br /> <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br /> <br />COMMENTS REGARDING BILL 30-10 <br />Raul Jara, 317 Napoleon, South Bend, Indiana, spoke regarding proposed Bill No. 30-10 <br />Amending Various Sections of Chapter 2, Article 9 of the South Bend Municipal Code <br />addressing the Human Rights Ordinance by the inclusion of new provisions for <br />employment fairness. He thanked the Council for hearing both sides of the bill and those <br />that supported continuing the bill. He stated that discussion were held in a very <br />respectful manner, however wounds were open by some comments made. Mr. Jara urged <br />the Council to further explain themselves on their decision in voting on this bill and <br />hoped that some of those wounds could be healed. <br /> <br />Amber Pardu, 2815 Erskine, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she is speaking in support <br />of Bill No. 30-10. First as a Christian she is in favor of any bill that bans discrimination. <br />She noted that she is a registered voter who has been voting since she was eighteen years <br />old. She stated that she is speaking tonight regarding what happened to her at her <br />previous place of employment. She stated that she used to work for a company in South <br />Bend who had branches in several other states. They only hired permanent workers after <br />hiring temporary workers for a period of 90 days. She stated that she thought it was odd <br />that someone hired in after her was hired in permanently before she was. She stated that <br />someone else who was hired two months after her and was not receiving a very good <br />review let it slip that they were preparing her paperwork to be hired in full time. It was <br />then that she started asking questions. She stated that she was told that it was common <br />knowledge within the company that the HR Manager that had a real problem with gay <br />people particularly lesbians. She stated that he was known for harassment and for <br />encouraging situations that could get slightly out of hand so that someone would be <br />encouraged to quit. Finally after 5 months they started her paperwork and immediately <br />after they had a corporate wide hiring freeze. During this time there were two more gay <br />females employees who were hired as temporary agents that were gone one day when the <br />rest came into work and no one new why not even their supervisors. And the only time <br />that this happened was to gay female employees. When the hiring freeze was lifted <br />according to her supervisor she was to be in the first group hired in. But there was only <br />one single solitary person hired in and when she questioned why she was told that this <br />was a special case and the freeze was still in place. She stated that the company had <br />decided to send her to Chicago for some advanced training on some new products that <br />they were going to get. She stated that she felt good that the company trusted her enough <br />to stay with the company to send for a months worth of additional training and she <br />questioned whether or not this was going to hold up the people in her hiring group <br />because they had finally started the final paperwork. She stated that she was told no that <br />it would not hold up her paperwork and if it would they would bring her back. Well low <br />and behold when she came back her paperwork was weeks behind everyone else’s in her <br />group and that people in her group were already hired in. She stated that this continued <br />for quite some time and the biggest single thing that came from this is that all the <br />employees came to her to tell her to get a lawyer because this is wrong and illegal and <br />were shocked to learn that it wasn’t. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 7 <br /> <br />